Our Story….
I have been getting a lot of questions about our situation with pregnancy issues and I decided to finally tell you our journey of how we have gotten where we are today. Of course, you’ll have to forgive me if I tear up a little as this has been a very crazy but amazing journey.
If you’ve been following Erik and I, you’d know that we started trying to conceive February of 2012 {exactly one year and almost one month ago}. It was very exciting and we thought for sure we would get pregnant right away because we were young and all young adults get pregnant easy. The journey started out great! We were doing what we were supposed to be doing and with every month that passed we just kept our heads up and knew eventually we would get there. After about the first two months of trying, I got very worried, wondering why we hadn’t gotten pregnant, so I started researching. I found out that having a period is super helpful because you can chart and take your temperature and find the day you ovulate. So I started trying that. Everyday, I would hear my alarm go off and instead of getting up immediately, I would take a few seconds to take my temperature, write it down and then go about my business. However, after about two months of taking my basal body temperature, I started to realize that my chart was all over the place! Most women have a steady temperature (unless they are sick), and when they ovulate, the temperature rises but they have to keep rising for three days before a woman can assume she ovulated. My chart wasn’t doing that, the temperatures were high and low, and high and low, and high and low. They never went up or stayed up for three days, it was always up and down. So I just stopped temping and charting and moved on to a different try. I again started to research, but by this time my periods were completely gone! Nothing, not a drop! We still continued to try but all we would get was a negative test after a negative test and by this point we were frustrated and worried. We didn’t know if it was him or me, or me or him… With more research, I found out about three types of vitamins that women has said helped them. So I tried started taking Folic Acid, Prenatal, and Fish Oil. To my luck and surprise, my period came back after almost two to three months of taken the vitamins and {oh my gosh!}, I was thrilled! Again I went back to researching, wondering if there was some way to get pregnant without having to go to the doctor. I found it! Or so I thought... I read about a lubricant called “Pre-seed." It was supposed to be very powerful and apparently, women were getting pregnant quickly with it…but just like before, after two months of use…nothing! I was frustrated and ready to give up when I finally made an appointment to see my doctor. I told him about the things we tried and he knew just what was wrong… I wasn’t ovulating. I knew it! From the very beginning I knew! Luckily, my doctor told me that if ovulation was really the problem, he knew just the drug to prescribe me that would get my ovulating. We left his office and into the examination room were he looked around and told me that I was healthy, and that my uterus was perfect! {That was really sweet!} Then he told me about Clomid and that he was prescribing me 50mg to take on days three through seven of my cycle. I was so excited to finally have an answer! He did tell me that the only side-affect would be twins, and asked if I was ok with that...Ummm ABSOLUTELY!!!!! So here we are, and according to my “period app” {yes, they make those now haha}, I might start my period on March ninth which would be awesome because then maybe before April I will have a baby {or two J } on the way…. Well that's all I've got for now, but I will keep you updated throughtout our current Clomid journey and let you know what happens.
Wishing you happiness and joy {& a slower year-hard to believe its already March!!!}
God Bless