I am overdue on this because our little guy turned two months on 10.23.2016. But as a mom, who also happens to be going to college, I put certain things ahead of others. One priority, while I'm still at home, is to enjoy time with both of my guys (my husband and my little one). Originally, I was supposed to return back to work, but my husband decided, the night before I was supposed to return to work, that he felt better with me being home and knew that it was a dream of mine. It's been wonderful! Waking up with my little guy everyday is simply the greatest thing in the world! Needless to say, he keeps me very busy, but I still manage to find time to get all of my college stuff done every time he lays down for a nap. Alright, enough about that, I want to focus this post to be all about two months with my precious, miracle rainbow baby.
First off, time is so cruel! Every single time I get ready for bed, I think to myself "another day in the books with my son, but why did it have to go by so quickly?" I find myself reflecting, every night, on new things he did or discovered how to do. Recently, he loves to sit up, whether it be in my lap, in his Bumbo or froggy floor chair, or even just sitting up with little support behind him, he loves it! He also finds it amusing to try and stand up while his daddy and I hold his arms. Tummy time is great because it shows just how strong he is and how quickly he is growing. It's no joke that everyday babies really do learn something new, and while, as a parent, you are excited, there is also a part of you that wants to cry. For us, he is our first after many years of trying, and to think that he is already at the point of prepping to crawl is sad. I don't want my baby to grow up so quickly. I honestly thought the "newborn" stage would last longer, but in all reality, it probably only lasted about three weeks or so. Since then, he has been sleeping through the night, and trying everything he can to go from two months to twenty years old right in front of our eyes.
In terms of eating, he is still only eating formula. Typically he eats anywhere from 4-6 oz. per feeding. We did have a few days where we gave him some homemade oatmeal, but I decided I wanted to go back to just formula. He did great on the oatmeal and we probably could've kept up with it, but I wanted to wait until he could really enjoy being a "big boy," as well as still give him a few more months to be a tiny baby! I feel like they are only a baby for about four months, then they decide that they are ready to take on big people foods. It's crazy! Although, I do look forward to watching him grow up, I want it to be slow and steady.
He still loves Disney music and bath time. Recently, he got too big for baths in the sink, so we had to transition to the tub. Right now, he takes baths with me. It's easier and he enjoys floating in the water. Nap times have started taking place in his crib to prepare him for the transition from our room to his. A few nights ago, he fought us for hours while we were trying to get him to fall asleep with us, it wasn't until I laid him in his crib that he passed right out! He only stayed in there a few hours and then, because I couldn't handle it, I went and picked him up and brought him in our bed for the remainder of the evening. Tonight, we will be trying a new idea. Tonight, we are going to try putting him in his co-sleeper. If all goes well, we will continue this for about week and then try to move him from our room to his, while still in the co-sleeper. Eventually, we will move him out of the co-sleeper and into his crib. It's going to take time. I'm in no rush, to me, as long as he is happy, and we are getting sleep, then it doesn't matter where he is. On the upside, I found out today, that he enjoys the sounds of white noise in any form or fashion. So, right before nap time, I put on symphony music as well as some form of white noise. For the past few weeks, I've been using a "shh" machine made for babies, but during nap time today, I put a small fan in his room which mimicked the sound of the fan from our room and he passed out!
As far as clothing goes, he is already ready to graduate to size two diapers and has started favoring the size three to six months clothes. Some of his three month clothes barely even fit anymore. All of his newborn and sizes zero to three months have been packed up. I decided on a few outfits that I wanted to keep, but all the others are gone from his closet to make room for the larger sizes.
At his last doctor's appointment, he weighed 13 pounds and 10.5 ounces, and is 24.75 inches long. Needless to say, he is a big boy, but we knew that was going to happen...have you seen his daddy?!
All in all, life is great! We've had such a wonderful time watching our sweet rainbow baby grow each and every day.
I will do my best to blog more frequently!