Tuesday night Erik had his first Pro Football Training practice. The practice was supposed to start at 7pm but we were almost an hour late...why?! Well, we left our house at about 6pm, training was only a 35 minute drive from our house but Houston traffic caused us to be late, that and we were completely lost!! The first time we drove to the wrong place because the address on the website was wrong. The second time, the address the owner gave us didn't take you to the facility but to the office building. Finally after turning around 3 times, we made it at about 7:40pm. Luckily, the trainers were super understanding and they started as soon as Erik arrived. He did a really great job! He busted his butt too! The owner and trainer even commented on the fact that he was one out of the few people to actually complete their first full hour training. Here are some pictures from Erik's training.
This is the field that he will start training on. You can barely see him in the black shirt since the field is so big! This was right after he finished ladder drills.
Here is he taking a "cool-down" second in between working on directional drills. This particular drill looked super hard, I can't even imagine how difficult it was actually doing it! hehe (:
Here he is just after finishing all the drills. He did a really great job and I am so proud of him for working so hard!
Look at this gorgeous weight room! It was absolutely stunning! This facility is the absolute best and I can't wait to go back to watch more of Erik's training!
I love this picture!! He looks so accomplished! And he should absolutely feel that way! Looking forward to posting more pictures as he excels!
God Bless