Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Options Are Limited!! {04.03.2013}

Good Evening!!!

If you read yesterdays late night post, then you would have seen that I have decided to start the Paleo diet. I mentioned that I would be needing to get organized first and that I would start on Monday, April 8 once I have figured out my plan.

So during my lunch break at work, I tried to find the foods that I thought I would best be able to stick to. Here is the list of foods that I have decided to stay with over the next 8 weeks.

Silver Dollar Pancakes
Turkey or Pork Bacon
Fresh Berries
2 slices Paleo Bread/Toast
3 Scrambled Eggs
1 Grapefruit
3 Fried Eggs
Handful of Dehydrated Almonds
Fresh Raspberries
Toasted Almonds
Toasted Almonds
Turkey Club Sandwich
Green Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette
Veggie Sticks
Leftover Mushroom Soup
Turkey Roll Ups
Fresh Blueberries
Leftover Chicken Soup
Leftover Chili Chicken
Leftover Cauliflower Rice
Sesame Salmon Burgers
Steamed/Roasted/Grilled Broccoli
Cabbage Orange Salad
Mushroom Soup
Roasted Chicken with Olives and Prunes
Roasted Butternut Squash
Chicken Soup
Green Salad
Roasted Squash
Chili Chicken
Cauliflower Rice
Stuffed Peppers
Green Apples
Veggie Sticks
Turkey Jerky/Bacon
Dehydrated Nuts

I know what you're thinking, "what?! no schedule?" Hold on, hold on, let me explain why I, "Mrs. Planner" choose not to do a weekly schedule.Here's why: I know myself {thank goodness-hehe}, and I know that on a Monday night when I'm packing for the rest of the week, it might sound good but come the rest of the week, it won't sound good anymore. So I decided to just go with the flow. I will stick to these but I'm not going to choose what I will and will not eat on certain days. I will probably make Monday-Wednesdays all-day food on Sunday and make Thursday-Saturdays all-day food on Wednesday night, that way I will have time to change my mind rather than trying to force myself to eat something I don't really want.

Well, that about does it for me! I'm going to spend tonight eating a hamburger so that I can get one last "sha-bang!" in before I start my diet.

If you would like to join me, feel free to borrow my list and be sure to let me know when you are starting your journey and what your goal is!

Good Luck to you and God Bless
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