Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Just Another Day in Paradise {05.08.2013}

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Today is one of those days where I have to thank God for all he has done. I know it may seem crazy for some of you who don’t understand, but everything happens for a reason and it’s all a part of Gods plan. I am especially happy because 3 years ago today (May 8, 2010) Erik and I went to prom and now look how far we’ve come. We started out at prom where he asked me to “go out with” him, then we got engaged 8 months after prom (Dec. 23, 2010), we moved into our first apartment together in Huntsville, TX (Jan. 14, 2011), from there we moved to Bryan, TX (July 23, 2011), after that we got married (May 12, 2012), moved back to Houston, TX (July 28, 2012), and here we are today. A beautiful apartment, we bought our first “family vehicle” (Dec. 23, 2012) and we have been planning our family for about one 1 year and 3 months (Feb. 2012). It is so hard to believe how far we’ve come. We have been through ups and downs, just like every other normal relationship and I couldn’t possibly ask for a better bestfriend, side-kick, and soul mate.  He is everything I want and everything I need and I just couldn’t imagine a day without him.

Here we are 3 years ago today!

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, then you know that we just finished Provera and Clomid…I’m supposed to have a doctor’s appointment around May 31 and I am praying we get a positive pregnancy test. Doctor said I am healthy, I just don’t ovulate which is what Clomid was for. Provera was just to start my period since I went about a month with no period. So, here’s to hoping we get our miracle. My mom, bless her heart, before she passed away bought me something and had it shipped on April 24. She passed away on April 27 so I didn’t get a chance to get it or thank her, but what she sent me meant the world. It was basically her way of saying that she is praying for us to get our miracle baby. She sent me this Fertility Goodess and I think it is the best gift she’s given me so far.

My best friend, Amanda, is pregnant and the baby is steadily growing which is such a wonderful blessing. I know she’s having a difficult pregnancy with feeling sick all the time, but I can’t wait to hold my niece or nephew. She is certain she is having a girl, I guess we will find out in June! Eeeekkk!! Babies are such a blessing and each one is so beautiful and watching them grow in and out of the mamas belly is a blessing in itself.

  Our babies {Fur-babies-hehe} are just growing and they seem to be getting more lazy the older they get haha. Here they are lazing away J

The other night, I was craving some cupcakes {or a bite of one anyway} so we stopped at Smallcakes and got a few for the night. Oh my gosh they were amazing! And when I say amazing, I mean AMAZING!!! They were the most moist cupcakes I have tasted in a llloooonnnngggg time! The icing wasn’t that great, but the red velvet cupcake was perfection. I had to pair the cupcake with some google searching on my iPad…talk about an amazing night- ahhhh J

Check out my next post- our anniversary pictures came in finally! J

God Bless
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