Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year! {01.01.2014}
Well, we have finally returned! It's been a few months since our last post and we do want to start off by saying...HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe 2014 is here? I just can't get over it. As most of you know, those of you who have been following us, 2013 was just not a good year for us. We lost many family members and, of course, our precious first baby. However, we have enjoyed our 2 few months to ourselves and are back and ready to pick up where we left off. So, here we go.... Last post on 10.23.2013, was right before my sister had her beautiful baby girl. She was born 10.30.2013 and my goodness she was beautiful! Halloween came and we spent some of it with my sister, her husband, and baby Alli in the Hospital. October ended and November began with me on the hunt for a new job. I can honestly say that November flew by with the blink of an eye. In that time, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to take Alli's newborn pictures, spend countless hours with my sister, and spend even more time cleaning and keeping up with the household. Thanksgiving was spent with Erik's family and you know we took more than enough home with us...we still have leftovers in the fridge! November was actually a good month! Right before Thanksgiving I got a job working for Capital One in the Claims Processing Center. It's a fast-paced job and it keeps me busy all day, but it is the perfect job for me. December went by in the blink of an eye! We spent Christmas Eve celebrating our Lord and Savior with a candlelight service at church, ate dinner with Erik's parents and sister at Applebee's, and finished the night by "opening" our stockings, putting on our matching pajamas, and taking silly Christmas pictures with the family. I will admit, some of the pictures were ridiculously funny! Erik and I returned to work the day after Christmas, and couldn't wait for the week to end. New Years Eve, we spent some of it with the family but decided that we just couldn't "hang" and went home early to relax. Today we enjoyed some quality time with my sister, her husband, and baby Alli. It's always nice getting my baby fix in for a while and it really helps that I get to enjoy some sisterly laughs too. Speaking of babies, I'm sure some of you are wondering what we are planning to do. It's true that this has been a long journey for us and we've definitely taken some low blows during the two years that we've been trying to concieve, but we aren't done yet. We have officially decided what 2014 will look like for us in the "trying to concieve department." Here's our plan...we are going to do another round of 100mg Clomid in January {hopefully that will do the trick, but if not}, then we are going to move on to FSH Injectables for February and March {let me pause right there, for those of you who do not know, FSH Injectables are basically another form of Clomid just two times more powerful than Clomid and instead of taking them by mouth, you inject them into your lower abdomen}. After March, we have officially decided that we are going to stop. I know, I know, it's a shock, but it was a decision that we felt was necessary. We don't want to be that couple that spends thousands upon thousands of dollars and years upon years waiting for a baby that may or may not come. We would rather give it three more tries and if it's not meant to be, then accept it and just enjoy each other. We decided that after March, and if we don't get pregnant, that we would take a nice week long vacation. Now that's not to say that we don't want a baby, please do not take it that way because Lord knows we want a baby of our own so very badly, but we have just come to terms with the fact that sometimes the things you want aren't the things God thinks you need. So to end, I know we say it a lot but this time we mean it, we look forward to posting regularly and, here's to a fantastic year and of course to great news that we will welcome our own sweet baby into this world.