Tomorrow is the first meeting, we can't believe it's already here but we are very excited. We both have so many questions and we are really looking forward to getting those questions answered and learning more about the adoption process. We've been reading about the adoption process through personal stories from others, but everyone's adoption is different and that's a very important thing to remember when going through the process. We have learned that looking at others and how their story went will not be the same or even similar to our story, but ours will still be unique in it's own way. We were talking over the weekend about things we are looking forward to throughout this process, and aside from all the little things like the meetings and home study, we are most looking forward to meeting our new son or daughter and, of course, adoption day! I must admit that I think our biggest fear is the "financially stable" part. Yes, we have money and good jobs but what one persons idea of "stability" is may differ radically from what someone else thinks. Either way, I'm very excited and I know Erik is too. We feel like this is an amazing opportunity and feel so blessed that God has led us down this path wholeheartedly. After tomorrow, the nine months to a year process begins and we will be running around like crazy trying to get things done. We can't wait to share all the excitement and hard work we will be going through with friends and family! We thank you for following our journey and if you have an adoption story, please share with us!!! If you are currently going through the adoption process, we pray that God may bless you with your sweet angel quickly and without delay.
God Bless,