Sunday, November 16, 2014

Oh Snap, That Was Too Easy {11.16.2014}

So this weekend has been crazy busy! Friday night we partied a little too hard with some friends we've known for years. We met at the Houston Texans Grille around 7pm, we chatted for a few hours while enjoying some good drinks and good food. Then we all headed outside to play some pool {mind you, it was pretty cold in Houston: thank you Alaska...WE LOVE THE COLD for Winter!!!}, after pool a few of our friends decided to head home, but hubby and I wanted to keep the party going so we headed out to Brewski's Bar with our good friend Ryan and her hubby, Andrew. After a few rounds of darts for the guys, and hours of non-stop chatting between Ryan and I, we finally headed home around 1am and passed out! 

Saturday was a bit of a lazy-ish day, although if you asked Erik he'd say otherwise. We met with E's parents for a delicious breakfast at Los Cucos, then ran home so I could grab my camera and meet my client for their rescheduled photoshoot {they were absolutely amazing by-the-way!}, finally {and this is the best part} when I got home after the shoot, E had cleaned the entire house and it was stunning! He worked his butt off and I appreciate it so so so so much. 

Today, we woke up later than expected but neither of us were complaining. I started the morning off by making blueberry muffins and pancakes. I got regular pancakes and E got "gourmet" pancakes {my special recipe *winky face*}. After breakfast we hung out until TEXANS game time! Of course we watched the game at E's parents house but most of the time he and I stayed busy outside. Luckily his parents had the windows open and TV volume up so we could still hear the game. Before I show you what we were doing during the game, I have to say that I truly appreciate my hubby being my "saftey man" while I worked on these projects. He actually let me cut, screw, paint, and put together these pieces {of course we switched on and off, so overall it was 50-50 work}. 

So without further ado, here are just a few of the pieces that we were working on...
So this was made from pallets and this was my very first time EVER making anything from wood! I decided to paint it white and add our favorite lyric "Dont worry about the future, or worry but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gun." I tried to keep the colors similar to our livingroom. For my first time, not bad.
Second project was so much easier. I painted it brown, and then added white to make it have a rustic-like feel. I then used my glue-gun to add the "LOVE" banner, which I also made. And it was done! This will hang in our master bedroom.
And finally, {our most proud project of the day}, our crate! We literally made this from pallet boards and has absolutely no assistance from websites. This was measured, cut, screwed, and made by E and I. Mind you, we have NEVER buildt anything from scratch without some sort of guidelines to go off of. 

These were just a few, the rest will be posted upon completion. The main reason I made these was to practice for my big DIY project that I'm really looking forward to. I hope it works and looks as good as these did. I mean I'm not saying that these are by any means "spectacular" but for being first time DIY-ers projects, I feel like we did a pretty darn good job! 

After the hustle and bustle of the weekend, we stopped at the nearby mall, and grabbed some pre-workout. I'm really looking forward to using this and getting back into shape. Stay tuned because I will be going over my meal and workout plans, as well as what pre-workout I'm using. I will also do a review on this pre-workout! Let's workout together, eat healthier, and get into shape!

Other memorable things from this week...
I made the BEST stew!!! It was so darn good and I love it because I can just pop it in the crockpot before leaving for work and then let it cook throughout the day. When I get home, it's ready to go and dinner is served. 
Sad moment of the week, my bubble-necklace broke! I was just sitting at my desk and next thing I know it's broken. So sad!!!
Here's my necklace before breaking...*sigh*

I had to post this hilarious situation that went down with our fur-babies Chief & Brooks. I asked them to both take a picture, Chief ran off so I snapped a picture of Brooks...
But then Chief decided to photo-bomb...
So Brooks decided to bop him on the head...*giggles*
Oh finally, I'm so glad y'all can cooperate!

So that sums up our week and weekend. Thank you for reading!!!

Well wishes and God Bless
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It's All Gone Already?! {11.12.2014}

Yesterday, Veterans Day, I was luckily enough to have the day-off from my Full-time job at the bank! Hooray! But at the same time, I was busy working. I own a photography business and was swamped with work overload. It's days like that that really allow me to appreciate what I do for people, capturing those special one-of-kind moments. While I was home, I also decided to get some "much needed" errands completed. One of which was grocery shopping!! I did it all by myself y'all! Even carried it all up the two flights of stairs! Ok, ok so it's lot that AMAZING but still I felt pretty proud to have packed the already extremely full car with literally no room for a human to sit in the back, and managed to get it all home. I decided to cook a delicious meal that included: baked chicken, fresh corn, mushrooms, and cornbread. It was a southern-made, yummy-in-my-tummy, deliciousness! Later I decided to make some stuffed jalapeƱos with cream cheese, and ate all of the pieces by myself. Yes, it was that good!

Today, I returned to work ready to go and was in a roll until lunch, all the sudden a horrible headache hit me and I was just so done! I left work at 4pm and on the way home I tried to calm myself so that I could get it to go away, which it did for a little bit, but came back. I tried sitting in a warm bath but it only temporarily subsided. I think I just need to sleep it off. I do have some really exciting news, but I will wait before I let the car out of the bag...I know, so annoying but I promise it will be worth the wait. I look forward to posting more in the days following!!! 

Much Love and Well Wishes
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Count Your Blessings {11.09.2014}

Today was full of emotions. I woke up this morning around 5:30am to use the bathroom, fell back asleep, woke up again at 7:30am to use the bathroom and failed to fall asleep. I laid around playing on Pinterest for about an hour and a half, then decided to get up and make some breakfast. I made pancakes and they were so delicious! Around 10am, Erik woke up, ate with me, and we preceded to get dressed. I had a maternity photo shoot to rush off to, and it was about an hour away. We left the house and were on our way to the shoot, but traffic was horrible. Although, it was a beautiful day so we weren't fussing too much. We arrived to meet my client, snapped some amazing photos, and zoomed back home. We decided last minute to run to the grocery store and pick up something easy to make that could double as lunch and dinner. We paid the cashier, and went home to start cooking, well technically Erik started cooking, I started primping {hair, makeup, finding an acceptable outfit}. Around 4:45pm we got up and headed back out the door. Tonight was our dear friend, Zach's viewing. He was killed Thursday, November 6th by some reckless driver. He was working around the Houston area when the car struck and killed him. It was a total shock! Zach was only 22 years old, too young to leave earth. Erik and I saw so many of our old friends and reconnected with a few through social media. It's days like these when you realize just how precious life is. So I say to you, call a friend or family more you haven't spoken to in a while, try and rebuild an old friendship, and never hold grudges because you never know when it might be their last day.

God Bless
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Playing Catch-Up {11.08.2014}

We haven't been around much, life tends to get in the way, and aside from that, we haven't really had much going on. I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving because we will finally be spending it with my side of the family. This will be the very first year, since Erik and I got together, that we will be spending a holiday with my family. We will be heading to Florida to visit my mom's mom, my Grandma Lana and we can't forget my amazing Grandpa, Pop Rob! Erik and I have a few fun things going on over the next couple weeks so we figured this would be a great time to get back to posting. We also have a grand adventure coming up and it definitely calls for lots of posting and updates. Recently, we lost a good friend that Erik and I have known since elementary. It came as a total shock considering he was only 22 years old. We are not prepared for his viewing or funeral but know that he is in a better place. 

We look forward to posting more as the year goes on and once our adventure begins, we will be posting more and more, mostly for updates.

Here are some pictures to cover the time we've been gone. 
We finally went to shoot my gun that I've had for almost 2 years. We didn't do too bad for our first time shooting.
I even let Erik shoot a few rounds of my gun hehe
We partied with our best friends as they celebrated the pregnancy of their first baby...Baby Madison!
I threw Erik a surprise 23rd birthday dinner! It was at the Houston Texans Grille with his family. We played pool, and enjoyed a nice evening on the patio.
We also stopped by The Anderson's home and saw this little lady. Hard to believe she is already a 1 year old! Stop growing up Baby Alli!!!
Of course we hung out at the Texas Ren Fest, you know we always do! We enjoyed a wonderful day at Ren Fest and both of us got in on the fun! This is Erik after being chosen to volunteer for sword fighting. 
We had to take a selfie!!! (I must admit, this is a great photo of us haha)
Here is a photo of our fur-babies, just because they are too cute!!!

Thanks for stopping by and reading! We will post more soon so stick around.

God Bless and Baby Dust