Taking a break from Disney posting because I wanted to share some nursery inspiration with you. As soon as we found out we were having a girl, my mind was excitedly racing to put together the decor pieces. I'm thrilled to show you this stunning room!
Our first son's nursery was so much fun to do. Unfortunately, our second son did not get a nursery as we were room-sharing with him for a while. We were living in a 2-bedroom apartment at the time and we actually started building our home when he was only 2 months old, so we figured just stick it out and make it work.
When we moved in, the boys shared a room and we had fun decorating that but I plan to do more. It's not totally finished right now, but they have a habit of destroying things - they are 3 and 1.5 so that's not a surprise - so I figured I'd wait a little longer and then start the decorating.
As for our daughter, I couldn't wait to go crazy with pinks and floral. I wanted something vintage but also modern. I opted to keep it a little simple, but I made bold choices that - I think - helped make the room look a little more clean, chic, and sweet.
Take a look around.

I'll be honest, I am very frugal. I try to find things on sale, hand-me-down, resale, on FB Marketplace, etc. So naturally when I started figuring out what I needed, I went straight to FB Marketplace. Magically, I came across a posting for a black Jenny Lind crib. I knew I wanted Jenny Lind because I had seen a Pinterest photo of another nursery with one in it and I had to have one for our girl. Convienently, the woman who posted it said that it was brand new as her and her baby co-sleep. Therefore she never used the crib. Her baby was only 6 weeks old at the time and she decided that until the baby was ready to move out of their bed, she'd just make the nursery into a play room for her other child. The crib was only $60! SCORE!

The wall flowers were from Amazon. My Mother-in-love found them and bought a pack for us. After putting up the first set of flowers, we realized we needed more. So we used two packs to cascade the flowers, and I think it turned out beautifully. I love the way the flowers fall over her crib and "J." The "J" itself is from Hobby Lobby - I love initials and monograms. I originally wanted to do a monogram but everything I saw was way overpriced, so we opted for a simple "J" and I actually really like the simplicity of it. Her bedding was a mix of searches and luck finds. Her bed skirt and ruffled comforter are from Etsy while the crib sheet is from Pottery Barn.

For this wall, I wanted shelves for her little things - baby hats, socks, and bloomers. I didn't have room for them in her dresser anyways, so these little baskets on this shelf turned out to be super cute. The baskets are from TJ Maxx. I just happened to be walking to the checkout and saw them, I knew they were exactly what I needed. I also got the two decor pieces from TJ Maxx. The shelf however, is from Hobby Lobby - wait until it's on sale because this thing was about $80 before the 50% off! After we put the shelf and black decor pieces, it still felt empty, so I got out my Cricut and cut this - it's a quote from Cinderella; "have courage and be kind." The black rocking chair was a refurb. We went out to a vintage market sale and as we were leaving Erik spotted the chair in the back of the owners truck. He asked for the price and we said "sold!" It needed work, but for $25 it was a deal. Most rocking chairs that are wooden and solid are worth at least $100+. We grabbed some black spray paint and went to work. Her little drawer/side-table was a refurb by my MIL. She did an amazing job! She found the dresser, spray painted it, added the legs and some wall paper on the bottom inside of the drawer, and then put the crystal handle on the front. As soon as I saw it, I had to have it for Jenevieve's room and I immediately knew that that would be the perfect spot for it.

Her toy chest was from a garage sale. It was $30 and purple. I decided to make it white on the outside and pink on the inside. I love it!

Her mirror wall was kind of last minute. I got the mirror from my MIL who didn't need it anymore, but I was stuck on where to put it and how to hang it. I decided I didn't want the typical horizontal hanging, so we opted to hang it vertically. I added the large peony flowers to the corners. The dresser was from Babies R Us during their sale before they closed. I actually bought it for our son but I decided that it was too long for their room. The dresser is still available online through Amazon and Delta furniture (the baby brand) but it isn't as good a price as we got. The original price was $199 but since we got it for the closing sale, we only paid $60!

I seriously could spend all day in her room. As she gets older, I have a few ideas for things I want to add, but for now, as a Newborn, this works and it's gorgeous!!!