Sunday, November 11, 2012

Beauty and Blessing in Disguise! {11.10.2012}

Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

I hope your Saturday was amazing!!!! If you like college football, and you watched it today, I hope your team won(: Today was probably one of the most relaxing days ever!!! We literally did nothing until about 5pm when we decided to celebrate one more time for our 6 month anniversary at our favorite place-Choo Choo Moving Sushi Bar!!! It was amazing!! We spent $50 on a lot of food! We couldn't even stick the last individual roll into our mouths we were so full! This morning started out pretty great. We allowed Chief and Brooks to sleep with us because they had behaved so well the day before. Tate is too small to sleep with us right now, but I'm sure one day we will have a full bed of 5! 3 dogs and the 2 of us. Both of them were up and playing as soon as the sun came up at 7am. Luckily we didn't get out of bed until about 9am and man the puppies were just begging to get out of bed. Just look at the pictures below and you'll see the begging in their eyes. All in all, today was better than I could've hoped for! Oh, and I can't forget to thank my hubby for getting me flowers. He just knows how to make me feel like a princess! I am so blessed and grateful to have him in my life! Praise God! I truly hope today was great for you and I hope Sunday is as gorgeous as today!

The second to last picture of Erik is my favorite!! I had to act silly in the middle of a full restaurant just to get him to smile. Thank god I snapped the picture because I love it!!! The 2nd picture is of Brooks, she just laid her head on my chest and was slowly falling asleep so I had to snap a photo. A few minutes later I looked over at my hubby and Chief was laying right on top of him slowly falling asleep, so naturally I snapped that too which is 4th! (:

Thank you for reading!
