Thursday, November 22, 2012

Stuffed, Packed & Ready To Roll!!

Happy TurkeyDay!!!!

I hope you all stuffed your faces with turkey, ham, rolls, green beans, mashed potatoes and desserts! Erik and I definitely ate a lot! But we had lunch instead of dinner because of the 11:30am Texans game. Again they failed to impress but they won so can't complain too much! Family that we feasted with included Erik's Mom & Dad, Sista-Chrysta, Aunt Jennifer, Baby Cousin Colton, Aunt Carol, Cousin Waymon and his two sons Jordan and Nathan. We had such a wonderful time with them and it truly was a Happy Thanksgiving Day! After eating and watch the game, Erik and I had to go home to pack and clean. Erik and I, along with our best friends, Alexa & Josh Kelley are getting on a bus at midnight leaving from Downtown Houston to drive 10hours & 15minutes to Mobile, Alabama. None of us have been there but luckily, my Mimi (My Dads Mom) lives there and will be there to pick us up and be our hotel for the 2 days we will be there. It will be so nice to visit her because the last time I saw her was my wedding day {May 12 2012} and before that, 4 years ago! To make things better our best friends who are family to us, are going with us so this will be a really GREAT way to celebrate with Family & Friends!! Erik and I are packed and ready to roll, we are just waiting for Alexa and Josh to come over so we can head out! I've never been on a bus traveling before, my whole entire life I've always taking planes, so this will definitely be a change for me but a change that I am so looking forward too! One thing we aren't looking forward to, leaving our fur-babies behind ): We are going to miss them more than anything but Grandma & Grandpa will be here to take care of them and spoil them so I'm sure they will love us being gone. Grandma & Grandpa give lots and lots of treats soooo they will be just fine-hehe(: Well we are about to head out but I look forward to posting pictures throughout the trip!!

The pictures below are from this evening and includes our itinerary!!

God Bless

Megan, Erik, Alexa & Josh {Bye Texas}