This weekend we were busy!!! First we attended a Mom Expo where both E and I won door prizes, we recieved lots of information, and a ton of free samples! It was a really great experience and we are looking forward to attending more. On Saturday afternoon we finally sat down together and worked on our adoption packet. I really hoped we would have had it finished before today but it didn't work out. So far we only have one more page to do together and then the last thing will be E’s questionnaire. I completed my questionnaire earlier last week. We’ve been thinking a lot about what we wanted to do for the bedroom and I think we both settled on a theme. I have a huge thing with quotes, and so does E. Right now I am just loving the bible verse from Hebrews that says “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul” for us that has been the bible verse that has gotten us through every storm we have faced and it certainly has been in our hearts and minds throughout this process thus far. {Oh sorry, the theme…duh!} The theme will be chevron navy blue and white with anchors and, of course, the bible verse will be somewhere in the bedroom. I’m really looking forward to moving into our new place because my first focus will be getting our son’s room setup. The good thing is that, by the grace of God, if we do end up getting pregnant, we still want the theme to stay the same. The colors would change a little for a girl, but everything else would remain. Below are a few of the photos and ideas I have for the room. Not everything will be just as you see it, but there will definitely be some similarities.
God Bless,