I have recently started attending weekly acupuncture appointments and while there, my acupuncturist put me on herbal medication to start my period, and without getting TMI overboard, I am now 66 days late! Negative pregnancy tests, and no sign of AF showing her face. Well after a few weeks of taking the medication, I starting getting very dizzy and even threw up a few times. At the following appointment, my acupuncturist decided to take me off and not surprisingly, the dizziness and vomiting went away. So over the course of the last week, I started researching deeper into PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome), which I believed I had from the beginning but was never "diagnosed" with it. From my research I found quite a few videos and articles talking about how PCOS is an insulin resistant, hormone in-balance that affects the ovaries. I found that losing weight can drastically reduce the size and possibly even reverse cysts. So after a few more days of research, I found a grocery list and meal plan that worked for me. I will be starting this diet plan tomorrow and will hopefully have some success. One of my good friends was able to diet, lose a good amount of weight, and get pregnant with a healthy baby girl, mind you, she has gone through countless doctors and taken lots of medication to get pregnant and it has only resulted in multiple miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. Today we went grocery shopping and tomorrow I start the diet. I will be doing a weekly "check-in" which will include weight, energy, and more! I am staying hopeful and praying that this is the answer we have been looking for. I am looking for someone who can join me on this journey, it can be one person or a million people, but I want to have a support group in the hopes that we can help one another along our TTC journey! I look forward to posting tomorrow!
Best wishes and baby dust!!!