This lead me to Bikini Competitions. I have so many beautiful friends who are Bikini Competitors, and when I see their bodies, I am in awe. I am inspired. I think to myself, "that's what I want." So, why not go get it? Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do!
I researched for days on all the details of a Bikini Competitors Life and I'm ready for the challenge. I'm ready to succeed and make my goal more than just a wish. Will it be easy? Not at all! But I just know that I will feel so proud of myself at the end of the day. Ironically, my own father was, at one point in life, a Body Builder. He did the competitions, the strenuous workouts and eating plans, and even did the ridiculously dark tanning. I still remember seeing those videos and photos and thinking, "that will never be me." And while I will never try to become a woman Body Builder, I will work hard to become a Bikini Competitor. Though it does surprise me that I naturally, and just like my father, have made Bikini Competitions my dream, my goal.
Unfortunately, I am not prepared at this time to being the dieting and intensified workouts for the competition yet. Partly because I am in the middle of finishing up my strength training workouts, but also, I will be going on vacation in about 17 days. Even though I will be focusing completely on healthy eating options as well as continuing to exercise, I know that I would not be able to keep up with a Bikini Competitor workout and diet plan while on vacation. But that's not to say that my current workout isn't going to help me in the long run. Lord knows, between my current workout and meal plan, I am still losing weight in a healthy amount of time.
Currently, I have 33 weeks until the competition {March 2016}. Technically, I won't be starting the rigorous workout and dieting plan until I return from vacation. That means, when I return, I will only have 28 weeks to get it together. I know its possible. I've seen how hard work and eating right can change my body in so many ways. For example, E and I didn't start really working out and eating better until January 2015. By March, we had lost 25pounds each. After being stuck in my plateau for about two months, I can finally say that as of right now {August 13, 2015} I have lost a grand total of 40 pounds in just seven months.
Here's to my journey to becoming a Bikini Competitor.
May the odds be ever in my fat body's favor!
*stay tuned for my new workout and dieting plan*