Let me just say, these twin babies are absolute miracles! If ever there was a couple who could praise and rave about the goodness and promises of God, it's us. Back in September, I took my last round of Clomid that resulted in no pregnancy. We were upset and saddened because after seven rounds of Clomid only two were successful but both ended in miscarriage in the first trimester. We decided to call it quits on Clomid and just move on. I still wanted to keep track of my cycles and see if I was ovulating on my own, so I continued to use Fertility Friend and OPKs. To my surprise, October and November were on time, for me, at just thirty-two days apart. Ovulation was detected for both cycles even with the absence of Clomid. We were shocked! For years, four to be exact, we were told we would never ovulate on our own...but God had a different plan. Between November 23 through 25, I managed to get three positive OPKs, while visiting in Florida with my grandparents. We didn't plan on it, but on the November 24 and 25, we baby danced. There was no legs in the air for ten minutes, no planning, no prepping, nothing! It was literally just as easy as it should be.
December 14 rolled around and according to previous cycles, my period was due to show on December 15. However, about a week prior to my period's due date, my breasts were very, very sore, to the point that E couldn't even hug me. I started telling him that I thought there was a chance we might be pregnant, but we would just laugh at the idea. On my way home on December 14, I told E that I was going to stop by CVS and grab a few pregnancy tests, fully with the mindset that I wouldn't take them until Wednesday morning. Though, when I got home, instinct told me to just take it, so I did. Low and behold, a line showed up, within a few seconds. It was faint, but it was there. I didn't know what to do with myself so I ran it over to E to look at it and asked him if he saw the line to confirm that I wasn't crazy. He looked at it, and nodded his head with complete shock.

Christmas Day, was just as exciting! This time, we got to announce it to the rest of the family. It was such a wonderful opportunity to spread the news with everyone that loves us. For Christmas Day, we tried so hard to keep it a secret. The hope was that we would take a group photo and say something like "on the count of three say "Megan's Pregnant with Twins," but half way through the afternoon, E's mom requested that we tell everyone because she couldn't hold it in any longer. See the video at the end of the blogpost. Everyone was so excited and started smiling and laughing. We passed around the ultrasounds, it was absolutely wonderful. I couldn't have thought of a more perfect way to announce it!
Needless to say, this has been the best Christmas gift ever! We are eagerly looking forward to watching both of our little miracles grow. Estimated due date for our twins is August 2016. I will be doing weekly bump-dates, so stay tuned for that. Here is how we announced it to our social media sites:
The onesies and note to Aunt Chrysta
Our Twin Beanie Babies First Picture (Ultrasound at 5 weeks)
Our Facebook cover photo
Our "official" announcementThe onesies and note to Aunt Chrysta
Our Twin Beanie Babies First Picture (Ultrasound at 5 weeks)