Thursday, January 28, 2016


No bump photo this week; spotlight is on baby!

 Close-up of ultrasound; measuring 10 weeks and 3.10 centimeters
 How far along: 10 weeks.
Size of baby: Prune.
Must have items: 
  •  No bra! Ok, so during work hours the bra is always on, but as soon as I hit my entryway of the house, the bra comes off. The girls are free, sensitive, but free!
  • Water! I am still thirsty all the time. Some days I can chug two bottles of water in about two minutes. Water is the absolute best thing in the world.
  • Body pillow! I still sleep with my amazing body pillow, and every night it's the one thing, aside from my sleeping mask, that keeps me asleep all throughout the night.

I'm tired all the time. It doesn't matter if I sleep in or get up at 5:30am for work, I will still be exhausted and looking forward to either A) a nap, or B) bedtime.

Chocolate ice cream, pickles, olives, strawberries with Nutella, and beef jerky.
Baby's movement: 

Although I can't feel the movements yet, we got to see our little one dancing around and waving at mom and dad during our ultrasound yesterday. It was the most amazing moment ever!

I have no clue. Every time I think it's a boy, something changes my mind to girl, and vice-versa. To be honest, I really don't care. I love this baby more than anything and regardless of the baby being a girl or a boy doesn't change that.
Challenges this week: 

Having energy to do anything. Sometimes I get little spurts of energy and can accomplish something like dishes or laundry. But most of the time, I'm too tired to do anything.
Best moment this week: 

Seeing our sweet baby move and wiggle, and E being able to see it too! I'm so, so thankful that E was able to go with me to the appointment yesterday. I know it will be harder and harder for him to go, so it's nice that he got to see our sweet baby moving around. We are so excited!


Monday, January 25, 2016


First, my extremely late bumpdate photo. Part of the reason that it is so late is that I have been so exhausted these last few weeks and every time I thought about taking the photo, I was already dressed down to PJs. So, I had to have E take the photo for me while we were on our way out of the house on Sunday morning.
I swear my belly grew over night. Sometime last week, I was getting ready for work and noticed that I couldn't button my pants. I was thinking that maybe I had gained some weight, but then I looked in the mirror and noticed my belly was looking much bigger than I expected. I will be 10 weeks on Thursday, January 28, so I wasn't expecting the bump to make an appearance until around week 12 or later, but I guess this belly wanted to grow. I'm going to try really hard to take the 10 week photo on time this week.
Alright, so Sunday was a fun and busy day for us. We celebrated our goddaughter's first birthday, then headed to the hospital for our very first hospital tour. We were so excited and throughout the tour we both learned valuable information. I'm really glad we went early because I want to start getting payments setup and completed before delivery date. During the tour, they showed us the regular labor and delivery rooms, the post-partum rooms, and even a post-partum suite. Of course, I fell in love with the suite, until she told me it was an additional $300 a night. I would probably pay for it if I knew I was going to be there for a while, but the fact that we will only be in the post-partum rooms for two nights means there's no reason to spend $600 on the hospital when I can spend $600 spoiling my newborn.
One thing that I absolutely love about our hospital, is that they enforce a strict "golden hour" after birth. The "golden hour" is an entire hour that mom, dad, and baby get alone after the baby has been born. This is the time that we can do skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, and just enjoy our newborn without distractions from others. The nurses even said that they specifically tell friends and family they are not allowed into the room until the hour is complete. Another thing I like is that there is a three person max during labor and delivery. Which means, only E, and two guests are allowed in the room during labor and delivery. This is a strict rule that the hospital enforces to ensure that if there is an emergency, they can remove the guests quickly and without too much disruption.
All in all, the hospital meets a lot of our needs and are very accommodating to the things that we want and prefer for our delivery. Though every mom and dad have different desires, we have already outlined what we are looking for in our delivery experience, and the hospital met all of those desires. If you are interested, the hospital is The Women's Hospital of Texas. My OB is an affiliate with the hospital so I'm very happy that they were able to meet our needs. Ironically, my doctor is the same doctor that deliver Erik at The Women's Hospital of Texas just twenty-four years ago.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

9 WEEKS | BUMPDATE {01.23.2016}

How far along: 9 weeks.
Size of baby: Green Olive.

Must have items: 
  • Body pillow. Oh how I adore my body pillow, sleeping without it makes me so miserable during the night.
  • Jacket/Blanket. I am cold freezing all the time now, they weren't joking when they said your internal thermometer gets messed up when you're pregnant because mine has! 

Sleep is great! It has become increasingly harder for me to get up and go to work. I sleep in later than I used to. My original wake up time was 5:30am but now, I have to get that thirty minutes of additional sleep which means come 6:00am, I am up running around like a mad woman. Then upon arriving home, I only want to watch one or two of my TV shows and head to bed afterwards.


I haven't really noticed anything in particular. Though I hate chicken. Well to be honest, I hate the idea of chicken. The past few nights, I have tried to avoid  cooking at all costs because I just turn my nose up to chicken. I love, love, LOVE, fruit! I found these oh so delicious fresh fruit popsicles and I adore them. I can eat those for dinner and be filled up no problem. Other fruits like oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, and grapes are always on my menu.

Baby's movement: 

I haven't felt the baby move yet, still too small. But, I have felt plenty of "uterine stretching." It started beginning to mid-week at 8weeks and has continued. It feels like a mild period starting but without bleeding or increased pain. It literally feels like someone is taking my uterus and just pulling it. Though it is completely normal, when it started, I was freaking out! Feeling something so similar to a period was very nerve-racking, but after reading my "What to Expect When Expecting" (a.k,a. my pregnancy bible - literally), I have come to realize that it is just expected and totally good as long as I do not see any bleeding. So far so good!


I have no idea yet. I'm so ready to find out. We are still trying to decided whether we want to do the blood test or just wait until the anatomy scan. Turns out, you can get the blood test at 12 weeks, not 10. And it takes anywhere from ten days to two weeks to get the results back. Though it sounds great, the thing that I'm most worried about is the cost. I'm just not sure if it's necessary for me to fork out $350 when I could just be patient and wait until 16 or 20 weeks and get the scan done for free. I guess I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do.

Challenges this week: 

Going to work. I was out all last week due to the nasty bronchitis I was fighting. Though the bronchitis is gone, a cold has stuck around, but I felt well enough to return to work. The hard part, getting up in the morning. I am so tired all the time! Mornings are tough, afternoons around 1:30-2pm I am exhausted, and then after work at home around 7:30-8pm I am out like a light. I heard that this gets better second trimester, and I really hope that's true because work is so much harder. I feel like I exhaust all of my energy during the day and then by the time I get home, I don't want to do anything, making working out, cooking, really anything and everything impossible. I will say, I absolutely love it! It totally sounds like I'm complaining, but the reality is, I would take all the symptoms in the world if it means my baby is growing healthy and strong.

Best moment this week: 

I know this will probably sound weird, but I love feeling nauseous. It comes and goes, but it reminds me that our sweet little baby is growing. Additionally, and possibly the greatest part of making it to 9 weeks, I have officially entered my third month of pregnancy! Which means only three weeks left before we enter the second trimester!!! I've been so overwhelmed with joy since our positive test and I just thank God every single day for our blessing.

Next Prenatal Appointment |Wednesday, January 27

*no Bumpdate photo this week, didn't have a chance to snap one. 
Baby was 9 weeks on Thursday, January 21.*
Saturday, January 16, 2016

8 WEEKS | BUMPDATE {01.16.2016}

Our sweet baby is growing big and strong!
How far along: 8 weeks.
Size of baby: Raspberry.
Must have items: 
  •  Body pillow. Recently I have been sick with bronchitis, but I've noticed that I want to sleep with my body pillow at night because it's more comfortable that way.

Due to my illness, I have been sleeping very well at night. Though I get up frequently to blow my nose or cough. It's been hard to stay asleep when I'm coughing a million times.

No major cravings at the moment. Still want my normal stuff, pickles, lemons, salt and vinegar chips.
Baby's movement: 

Still haven't felt any movement, baby is still too small, but I very much look forward to being able to feel baby move!

We've been taking bets, and at the moment everyone is divided. I'm still thinking about the gender blood test, but not sure if my doctor will go for it. As for me, I really have no preference, I'm just thankful that the baby is healthy and growing.
Challenges this week: 

Being sick has caused me to not eat, which has in turn made me nauseous. I wake up with nausea and can't decided if it's from the sickness or from the fact that I'm pregnant, I'm interested to see if this nausea sticks around even after the bronchitis is gone.
Best moment this week: 

I know it sounds repetitive, but just being pregnant is the best. I've never felt so beautiful and thankful before. I love being pregnant and look forward to experiencing all the pregnancy symptoms as well as watching my belly grow.


Week 6
Week 7
Posting late due to my sickness, but baby was 8 weeks on Thursday, January 14.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

7 WEEKS | BUMPDATE {01.07.2016}

Our miracle is growing!
How far along: 7 weeks.
Size of baby: Blueberry.
Must have items: 
  •  Water! I'm still very thirsty and I love water! Fruit is another favorite of mine.

I feel like all I do is sleep and eat. Sleeping comes very easily for me as I am tired all the time. I pretty much require a nap throughout the day, which makes it difficult when I am at work because I can't take naps so by 2pm I am exhausted and just ready to go home.

I haven't had any, but I am more picky about what I want to eat. I used to love Ramen Noodles but just the thought of them makes me want to gag. Just typing that was hard enough.
Baby movement: 

I haven't felt anything yet, but I'd like to start. I know it's coming, but I just want to experience every moment of pregnancy. Waiting four years for this miracle, I want to really enjoy this whole experience.

Not sure yet. A few friends have asked if I will be doing the blood gender test, and I've thought about it but E is undecided as he is perfectly fine with waiting until our anatomy scan. Aside from wanting to know early so I can refer to my baby by his or her name, I also want to know so I can start buying stuff. If it turns out to be affordable, we may go for it, otherwise we will just be patient and find out when the time is right.
Challenges this week: 

Having the energy to do anything. Sometimes I have ample energy to get me through the day, but usually I am so exhausted and just wish I was home. During the days while I'm home, taking a nap reenergizes me, but after working all day, it is near impossible for me to find the energy to do anything.
Best moment this week: 

Seeing one healthy heartbeat during our ultrasound appointment on January 6! Unfortunately, we did lose a twin, called "vanishing twin," which is where the non-viable twin is absorbed into the placenta and the surviving twin grows stronger because of the nutrients. Although, we were saddened to hear we lost one, we are over the moon that we finally have our Rainbow baby! The heartbeat was perfect at 150 beats. It is absolutely amazing what our bodies can do. From one little tiny sperm and one little tiny egg, to a sweet little embryo, then a fetus, and then a sweet baby to love. It just amazes me! No science can do this, it is all God! Every day I pray and just take a few minutes to thank Him for this amazing blessing. This miracle baby is a reminder that His time is the right time. "For He knows the plans He has for me. Plans to prosper me and not to harm me." Jeremiah 29:11.

Week 6

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

TOMORROW {01.05.2016}

Tomorrow is a big day for us. Tomorrow is the day that we've been praying for. Tomorrow, we have our second ultrasound! The goal is to see two healthy babies and to hear and see two healthy heartbeats. It seems like the two weeks waiting to get to this point have taken forever! I blame it on the fact that we had holiday time in there. I swear, my holidays usually go by so fast and I feel like I barely had time to relax, but this time it was so different. Having something to look forward to seemed to have made the time-off fly right before our eyes. I'm just thankful that the day is here. I am looking forward to tomorrow. I know have faith that God has greater plans for these two babies. He is the reason we have these two miracles. He is the reason they will grow and prosper.
I'm keeping it short today, but I do look forward to posting about the appointment. If you have a chance to say a little prayer for us, or just simply mention us, that would be amazing!
God Bless