No bump photo this week; spotlight is on baby!

Close-up of ultrasound; measuring 10 weeks and 3.10 centimeters

Close-up of ultrasound; measuring 10 weeks and 3.10 centimeters
How far along: 10 weeks.
Size of baby: Prune.
Must have items:
- No bra! Ok, so during work hours the bra is always on, but as soon as I hit my entryway of the house, the bra comes off. The girls are free, sensitive, but free!
- Water! I am still thirsty all the time. Some days I can chug two bottles of water in about two minutes. Water is the absolute best thing in the world.
- Body pillow! I still sleep with my amazing body pillow, and every night it's the one thing, aside from my sleeping mask, that keeps me asleep all throughout the night.
I'm tired all the time. It doesn't matter if I sleep in or get up at 5:30am for work, I will still be exhausted and looking forward to either A) a nap, or B) bedtime.
I'm tired all the time. It doesn't matter if I sleep in or get up at 5:30am for work, I will still be exhausted and looking forward to either A) a nap, or B) bedtime.
Baby's movement:
Although I can't feel the movements yet, we got to see our little one dancing around and waving at mom and dad during our ultrasound yesterday. It was the most amazing moment ever!
Although I can't feel the movements yet, we got to see our little one dancing around and waving at mom and dad during our ultrasound yesterday. It was the most amazing moment ever!
I have no clue. Every time I think it's a boy, something changes my mind to girl, and vice-versa. To be honest, I really don't care. I love this baby more than anything and regardless of the baby being a girl or a boy doesn't change that.
I have no clue. Every time I think it's a boy, something changes my mind to girl, and vice-versa. To be honest, I really don't care. I love this baby more than anything and regardless of the baby being a girl or a boy doesn't change that.
Challenges this week:
Having energy to do anything. Sometimes I get little spurts of energy and can accomplish something like dishes or laundry. But most of the time, I'm too tired to do anything.
Having energy to do anything. Sometimes I get little spurts of energy and can accomplish something like dishes or laundry. But most of the time, I'm too tired to do anything.
Best moment this week:
Seeing our sweet baby move and wiggle, and E being able to see it too! I'm so, so thankful that E was able to go with me to the appointment yesterday. I know it will be harder and harder for him to go, so it's nice that he got to see our sweet baby moving around. We are so excited!
Seeing our sweet baby move and wiggle, and E being able to see it too! I'm so, so thankful that E was able to go with me to the appointment yesterday. I know it will be harder and harder for him to go, so it's nice that he got to see our sweet baby moving around. We are so excited!