How far along: 11 weeks.
Size of baby: Lime.
Must have items:
- A/C! Sometimes I am freezing cold, but recently, during the night I am ridiculously hot. I've heard from several preggo friends that your internal thermometer is thrown off and it's so true!
- Warmth! I'm cold all the time, which is so unusual because when I was taking Clomid, and even after I stopped, I was hot all the time. Although I haven't taken Clomid since September of 2015, I would still feel hot until I got pregnant, and now I'm freezing.
Right now, sleep is so crucial for me. I feel so exhausted all the time, especially when I am working and no matter how much I get, I still want more. Though , I'll admit that the other night I was so deep in sleep that I didn't even know E came home!
Right now, sleep is so crucial for me. I feel so exhausted all the time, especially when I am working and no matter how much I get, I still want more. Though , I'll admit that the other night I was so deep in sleep that I didn't even know E came home!
I'm still craving salty things. At the moment, crawfish and shaggy dog rolls sound amazing all the time. Thankfully, last weekend, E and I went out for a date night and I got a shaggy dog roll and I swear I ate it so slow because I was really enjoying every bite. I probably could have eaten two more of those rolls. Now I just need to get my crawfish fix.
I'm still craving salty things. At the moment, crawfish and shaggy dog rolls sound amazing all the time. Thankfully, last weekend, E and I went out for a date night and I got a shaggy dog roll and I swear I ate it so slow because I was really enjoying every bite. I probably could have eaten two more of those rolls. Now I just need to get my crawfish fix.
Baby's movement:
I haven't felt any movement yet, but from what I've read, the baby is jumping, and stretching, and moving around. I'm looking forward to my next appointment because I just know that baby will be dancing around for us.
I haven't felt any movement yet, but from what I've read, the baby is jumping, and stretching, and moving around. I'm looking forward to my next appointment because I just know that baby will be dancing around for us.

Although I'm not partial to either boy or girl, I just want healthy, I have this feeling that baby is a boy. Not sure why, but every time I think about baby, or day dream about baby, it's a boy. Not to mention, I did the "Old Wives Tales" and pretty much every single one pointed to boy. It doesn't matter, I will be thrilled either way. The goal is not the gender, the goal is getting a full-term, healthy baby in my arms.
Challenges this week:
Not getting enough sleep, finding a comfortable position to sleep in, nausea that comes and goes, and not having the energy to do the things that I am supposed to be doing, such as packing for our upcoming move next weekend, we have not packed a single thing.
Not getting enough sleep, finding a comfortable position to sleep in, nausea that comes and goes, and not having the energy to do the things that I am supposed to be doing, such as packing for our upcoming move next weekend, we have not packed a single thing.
Best moment this week:
Knowing that I one week closer to making through the first trimester. I cannot even explain how excited we are to be pregnant with a healthy baby. It's just absolutely a dream come true!
Knowing that I one week closer to making through the first trimester. I cannot even explain how excited we are to be pregnant with a healthy baby. It's just absolutely a dream come true!