How far along: 13 weeks.
Size of baby: Plum.
Must have items:
- Lotion! My hands have been so incredibly dry these last few weeks, specifically my legs and hands.
- Baths! Every night, before bed, I have to soak in a nice warm bath because if it's not my back killing me, then its my horrible headache and I definitely don't want to take medication every time I have a headache..
I love sleep. I can't get enough of it. I've heard, now that I'm in my second trimester, that it will ease up and I'll get some energy back, and I hope that's true but thankful for the sleep I was able to get during the first trimester.
Salty foods still. I love sushi, crawfish, popcorn, and pretzels. But I also LOVE veggies with ranch. Oh and water is a must!
Salty foods still. I love sushi, crawfish, popcorn, and pretzels. But I also LOVE veggies with ranch. Oh and water is a must!
Baby movement:
I haven't felt it yet, but at our appointment, I was able to see baby wiggling and waving it's little hands. It was seriously the cutest thing. I was even able to get a glimpse of the baby's sweet little nose.
I haven't felt it yet, but at our appointment, I was able to see baby wiggling and waving it's little hands. It was seriously the cutest thing. I was even able to get a glimpse of the baby's sweet little nose.
Baby was so stubborn yesterday and we weren't able to get a gender reading, but we are hoping that by the next appointment baby will cooperate and we will get to see what baby R will be.
Baby was so stubborn yesterday and we weren't able to get a gender reading, but we are hoping that by the next appointment baby will cooperate and we will get to see what baby R will be.
Challenges this week:
Cooking. I hate cooking, it actually grosses me out. I'd rather eat out every night or just eat popcorn than cook food. Hopefully that will get better this trimester.
Cooking. I hate cooking, it actually grosses me out. I'd rather eat out every night or just eat popcorn than cook food. Hopefully that will get better this trimester.
We had several best moments this week! First, seeing our sweet miracle baby! Although I didn't get to see very much, I was just very thankful to be able to see that baby is growing and moving and grooving. We bought baby's first two onesies, they are gender neutral, but they are cute! Also, seeing the difference between 10 and 13 weeks! The best moment at my doctor's appointment was finding out that the NT scan was perfect, mama has not gained any weight, my blood pressure is 120/80, and my doctor referred to my pregnancy as "perfect." I feel very blessed and it's just another sign that God's timing is always good, always right, and always perfect!