Yesterday was my 28 week appointment!
What an easy experience.

After the nurse finished my normal check-up routine, she gave me my Rhogam shot in the butt. (For those who don't know, anytime a mom is O negative blood type with Rh incompatibility, a Rhogam shot will be given at week 28 of pregnancy as well as after the birth of the baby.) I honestly thought it would be painful, but it was really easy, took a few minutes for her to get all of the liquid out of the syringe, but overall, it was a really simple and quick experience. Afterwards, my OB came in to measure my uterus and we chatted for a few minutes about upcoming appointments and things to know as we approach delivery. He gave me the name of the pediatrician located in the building that would be able to meet us at the hospital after JMWR is born since our pediatrician won't be able to meet us in Houston.
Overall, the experience was quick and painless, nothing nearly as bad as I've been told about, but I have also waited to get to experience this for a long time, so for me, it's just exciting!
All in all, this pregnancy is progressing very quickly. I cannot believe that I am in the third trimester and now officially beginning my every-two-weeks appointments. Below are the next appointments I have before our sweet boy arrives:
June 9 @ 30 weeks - routine checkup
June 23 @ 32 weeks - routine checkup
July 7 @ 34 weeks - routine checkup
July 21 @ 36 weeks - ultrasound to check on babies size and possibility of induction
July 28 @ 37 weeks - routine checkup
August 4 @ 38 weeks - routine checkup
August 11 @ 39 weeks - routine checkup (hopefully induction date)
After my doctor's appointment, we headed over to check out our little's daycare. The faculty and staff were so kind and greeted us immediately upon our arrival. They showed us around the facility, talked with us about programs they offered, and even showed us the classroom that our little guy would be in. We went ahead a put down our deposit to hold his spot to ensure that he has one. To be honest, I'm really excited for the days when I'll be picking up after school. It will be so fun seeing him playing and interacting with other people. Although I do want my six week maternity leave to go verrrryyyy sllloowwwlyy, I do look forward to being able to pick him up from school after a long day at work. I've already got his backpack planned out, I just need to buy it.
Our baby shower is coming up quickly too! We are so excited to see all of our friends and family members, and of course, be showered with gifts for our sweet boy. Every part of this pregnancy has just been amazing and with just 11 (induction) or 12 (due date) weeks left until JMWR arrives, we are overjoyed to be expecting and so thankful to God for our miracle baby.
And, because I feel like I haven't posted any bump pictures recently, here are a few from week 27!
My comparison between weeks 27 and 7! What a difference!
Backwards "B" for Boy!
Picture of my bump from my view.
Baby bump!!! I just love him!
Once I hit 30 weeks, I want to make it a point to take a picture every week because from what I've heard, the bump changes so much over those last 10 weeks. I also promise to share pictures from my baby shower, and I will be sharing my birth plan with you! So many fun and exciting things coming up. We do plan on doing a nursery reveal, but I want to wait until it is completely ready before I do that, so I'm thinking around week 35 I will try to have it finished and show you his adorable nursery.
Thank you all so much for sticking around with me, following our journey, praying for our sweet boy, and allowing us to share this beautiful experience with you.
Until my next post, God Bless!