I feel as though time is just slipping out of my hands. Recently, I have been so busy at work and on weekends, I have been enjoying some quality time with my husband so I feel like I never have time to post anything.
Life is great! Currently, we will be 25 weeks pregnant this week. Hard to believe how quickly it goes. I feel like every time I get an idea to post on the blog, I end up getting caught up. My next doctor's appointment is Thursday, May 5. Not sure, but I believe this may be the glucose test, if so, I'll definitely have to write about that. I have heard so many different things about this. Some people say it's not that bad, other's say it was the worst thing ever. I am definitely excited to be able to get to this point because just a few years ago, we didn't know if we would ever carry a healthy baby.

flu test. The doctor came back and told me I was positive for both a UTI and the flu. I spent about five hours in the ER being pumped with fluids and antibiotics. We finally left the ER around midnight. The next couple of days, I stayed home and rested. Thankfully, I was able to get better in time for work. I should say, that I have never had the flu or a UTI, and honestly, I didn't think I had either. I always assumed with the flu I'd feel like death and with a UTI, I'd have burning sensations, but I didn't really have either. I mean I felt really bad and I knew something wasn't right, but I definitely wasn't expecting the flu or a UTI. All in all, I'm thankful to be over that and feeling much better. I still have a cough, but it's slowly going away. Once I felt a little better, my wonderful husband and I went out for a movie date to see The Jungle Book, which we highly recommend, it was absolutely wonderful! I did my best to get "dolled up," but I still felt horrible so it was a miracle I managed to get dressed and put make up on.
We are just a few days away from our anniversary and baby shower invites will be going out soon! I can't wait to see all of our friends and family. I do have some plans to post more and as I progress in this pregnancy, and doctor's appointments are closer, I will definitely have lots to post about.
Side note, for all my preggo friends that live in Texas, dresses are going to be my go-to for the entirety of the summer. It's only the second day of May it's horribly hot! I'm looking forward to getting this preggo belly in a cool pool, and I look forward to grilling because barbeque sounds delicious.
I will post after my doctor's appointment on Thursday!
Have a great day!