Before we start trying on 01.01.2013, I have a few things I want to get out of the way and of course my planner-brain started working and I came up {with the help of Pinterest} this list of things I’d like to get done before the first possibility of being pregnant:
-Eat Sushi {Done}
-Dye Hair
-Eat Deli meats
-Soak in a hot tub
-Drink Diet Coke {Done}
-Sleep on Back {Done}
-Deep Clean House {Done}
-Eat Cookie Dough {Done}
Oh and I thought I would take this pre-pregnancy questionnaire, so here it goes....
About You
Name?: Megan
Age?: 20
Height?: 5'2"
Pre-pregnancy weight?: 165lbs.
About The Father
Name?: Erik
Age?: 21
Height?: 5'11"
About Your Pregnancy
Will this be your first pregnancy?: Yes(:
How long have you been trying?: January we start
What is your ideal due date?: November 13 2013
Do you know want a girl or boy?: either just so long as baby is healthy
Have you picked out names?: Yes but we went through several before we were satisfied
If so, what are they?: Aubree Belle and Jensen Maddox
Are you taking any vitamins or medications to help you get pregnant? Yes
If so, what are they? Folic Acid, Prenatal, Fish Oil and hoping to start on Clomid
Have you had a pre-pregnancy check up? Not yet, looking to schedule for March
Who is your doctor? Dr. Irwin who delivered Erik
Will he stay your doctor throughout the entire pregnancy? Yes
About the birth
Home or hospital birth?: Hospital
Which hospital do you like? Texas Women's
Natural or medicated birth?: Definitely medicated but not heavily
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: Most definitely!!
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: We've waited so long for you to come, my sunshine
Would you let someone videotape the birth?: No!
Are you excited about the idea of birth, or scared?: Excited but scared because you can't really prepare for it and I am definitely one who likes to be prepared.
God Bless