Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!
Oh this week has been crazy!!! Erik and I have started getting up at 5am to make breakfast and eat together before work. That's about 3 hours before my work day starts and about 1 hour & 30 minutes before Erik's work day starts. However, I will admit it is really nice to get to spend time with my husband before we leave. Erik has to leave by 5:45am so I only get so much time with him. Aside from the early mornings, Monday I got to show off my new Jeep at work. It was really great! Everyone said they loved it. It was also the first day that Erik got to drive his truck to work and home which he loved because he was able to go straight home after work rather than wait 15 minutes for his dad to get off and carpool home. Today was tiring, we stayed up late last night to watch our two favorite shows, Teen Mom 2 {I don't know why we watch this show but we do!} and Catfish {a great show about people finding "love" online}. We then preceded to watch Family Guy until 11:30pm and by then we were ready to pass out. Other than that, our days today were both very busy! Erik didn't feel good most of the day so that didn't help make his day any better. My day was full of running around the office and completing projects so it went by pretty fast for me. Although the ridiculous amount of rain on the way home made it hard to see while driving. Not to mention, I got a car wash Sunday that was clearly a waste. I'm looking forward to tomorrow since it's pay day for Me-yay! Hard work and dedication to my job is all worth it when I get my check. I'm also looking forward to finishing projects. It is a huge relief when I can scratch a "to-do" off my project list! Oh, Monday I started taking my pre-pregnancy pills. I'm working on cutting back from sodas {that is still difficult} but it shouldn't be to hard to stop completely once I'm used to it. Erik also started taking his daily men's vitamins to give him energy. Hopefully its helping. Well it's about that time for me to hop in the tub and get ready for bed. I look forward to tomorrow and all the excitement it brings.
The first picture is of just my pre-pregnancy pills. The second picture is my pills beside Erik's daily vitamins!
God Bless