Happy Thursday!!!
Wow! Hard to believe that we are already at Thursday. These weeks are just flying by! So throughout the week we have gotten some crazy news. Monday we found out that our best friends Josh and Alexa are moving to Arkansas-8hours away! It's hard to imagine having to be without them. We have done so much together over just this past year that I seriously don't know what we are going to do. It's not easy to find friends like The Kelley's. They are true friends who would do anything for you if you needed it. They are just amazing! Honestly they are more like our brother and sister than best friends and to think they will be so far is a hard thing to accept. However, to know that they are moving to succeed in life is a huge important life step for them and Erik and I couldn't be more happy for them! Although we wish them nothing but absolute happiness, joy, health and wealth in their new state, we must remind them that they will be missed so very much. Luckily, we will be here waiting for them when they return (:
Here are just a few of the many memories we have had the pleasure to have with them....

March 2012-Alexa & I took bridal portraits together. We did some by ourselves during the shoot, but we just couldn't resist taking some together and this is my absolute favorite!
May 2012: Josh & Alexa (before they were married) were able to be in our wedding and attend. Alexa was my Maid of Honor and Josh attended {we wanted him to be in the wedding but he respectfully declined}. Not only did he attend, but when he showed up in a white shirt, which I joked with him that the Bride should be the only one wearing white, he immediately left and bought the orange shirt you see. It was a really nice thing to do because he didn't have to and I truly thank him for doing that for me.
August 2012: I was lucky enough to host Alexa's bridal shower. It was such an important thing to me because she could have choose anyone, but she choose me and I was more than thrilled and excited! I did my best to decorate our apartment perfectly floor to ceiling for her. It turned out great! Guests had a blast {even though there was barely enough seats-which is why it is so important to RSVP}.
October 2012: Erik and I were lucky enough to be invited to go with Josh and Alexa to a Texans game. They did not by any means have to invite us, but they did and we had such a wonderful time! I can not thank them enough for asking us to go with them. I would absolutely do it again-hehe (:
November 2012: Erik and I were blessed to have had the opportunity to go to Alexa & Josh's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful, Josh looking super handsome and Alexa was stunning in her gown. To be there and get to see it all and experience the start of their new life was incredible! Although Erik and I were unable to be in their wedding party, we made sure we took lots of pictures and made sure we were there in the front row for all of it. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends in our lives.
November 2012: Lastly, I was so thankful for Josh and Alexa who offered to go with Erik and I to visit my grandmother in Alabama. We didn't want to go by ourselves and when I asked if they would go with us, I was so afraid they would say no. Thankfully they didn't and oh my goodness it was absolutely fantastic and a totally fun trip that Erik and I will remember forever.
After all has been said and done, these two wonderful people have done and given much more than this and if I had all the time in the world, I would gladly share all of it with you but unfortunately I just don't have the time. Erik and I just want to send out a huge thank you to Josh and Alexa and we want them to know more than anything, that we will be there for them through it all. We also hope and pray that they find everything they are looking for in Arkansas, that their travels are safe and that no matter what they do or where they go, we want them to know that we love them and can't wait for their return.
Good Luck in Arkansas Josh & Alexa!!
We Love You Both!!!
We Love You Both!!!
God Bless
Erik & Megan