Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hip-Hip-Hooray! {01.31.2013}

Hello Wonderful World!!

Guess what?! Today is the day I, FINALLY, get my wedding rings back! I have been wearing my engagement ring every single day without removing it once, almost an entire year, while we’ve been married. However, I haven’t been able to wear my wedding band because the diamond fell out L So I have been dying to find a place to get my rings fixed and after much searching found the perfect place where the Price is Right! {Yah, I loved that game show!} I dropped my rings off on Saturday 01.26.2013 and it has been a lllloooonnnnnggggg week without them! You don’t realize just how much you’ve forgotten that you don’t have them on anymore. All week long I was checking out my finger trying to figure out where the heck they went! Thankfully, I know they are safe, clean and ready for my finger J
Yesterday, I posted about my perfect party theme and I decided to tell my wonderful and “would do anything for his princess” Husband, Erik. He actually LOVED the idea! He knows Jimmy Buffett has always been in my life, thanks to my father, and so I think that’s why he knew I would HAVE to have it! Not to mention, this year, on my birthday, marks the 5 year anniversary of my father’s death. I’m not going to go into a frenzy of crying right now, I’ll save that for the anniversary date {happy tears-hehe}, but my father was amazing! He raised me as a single parent and I thank him for what he has taught me, so it really is a special birthday this year. I want to make it a celebration of my life at 21 and a celebration of his life through some good ol’ Jimmy Buffett!!  So as you can imagine, I’ve already been surfing the internet and have found some really cute stuff! In the pictures yesterday, they didn’t have any of those cute paper-ball lanterns and I love those so I might buy some of those to hang all over. {Best part, they can double as outside décor for our house one day!} Aside from all that, I’m very excited to finally be able to get health insurance tomorrow! I have finally reached my 90 days at work and will be able to enroll in a really great health insurance plan that is totally affordable. I am so ready to go to the doctor it’s not even funny!!

Well that about does it for me. I hope you all have a wonderful night and I look forward to posting pictures of my rings-yay!!

God Bless
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