Thursday, January 3, 2013
Pre-Baby Update #2! 01.01.2013
Pre-Baby Richards Body Blog Update
•Weeks: 1
•Weight Lost: 1-3lbs. {not quite sure}
•Vitamins: Folic Acid, Prenatal & Fish Oil
•Daily Food Menu These Past Weeks: Been eating smaller-portioned lunches. Dinner has been wild because of the holidays and family cooking is amazing! Breakfast has been wild too, some days I'm starving others I'm fine with a single pretzel...
•Workout: No set routine yet
•Soda Intake: 0
•Soda Cutback Goal For Next Month: I have not had a soda in over 2 weeks now! Yay!
•Food Cravings: None really(:
•Symptoms: Sleepy but I think it is from the craziness of the holidays because I have had no withdrawals from the Dt. Coke yay!
•Happy or Moody: Happy!
•Looking Forward To: Getting pregnant with a healthy baby!
•Miss Anything: I have completely stopped drinking sodas! I now drink only water or lemonade. It does get hard at times but I just keep reminding myself of the goal at hand. Still haven't started a workout routine, but will definitely get on that soon. Oh and I can't forget to mention {WARNING T.M.I.}....I started something like a period today after a few months of it being MIA. hopefully this is a good sign and Erik and I can time it perfectly and get that BFP!!! {If you don't know, BFP stands for Big Fat Positive-from a pregnancy test}
So tonight, Erik and I were busy sitting at the dinner table surrounded by silence, and our dogs rough-housing, while I helped him study for 3 hours. He has a big test to take tomorrow at work so I was being a good wife and assisting but he was lucky because it was my favorite subject....Math!!! Here are few photos from tonight. The first picture is of him studying and focusing very hard! Picture number two is him throwing his paper in the air because he was done studying (:
God Bless