Where do I start?
This week has just been full of excitement and fun!! Let's start from the beginning....
Monday morning Erik got a call from his work saying he passed his test and would start his new "better paying" job Wednesday. Tuesday showed up and I had something like a period which was so great because for the longest time I hadn't had one. I'm hoping that the vitamins I've been taking (Folic acid, Prenatal and Fish Oil) are helping and that next month my period will arrive on time. Wednesday Erik started his new job at 5am!! He said that he doesn't like waking up early but that he loves the money and that's why he's working hard :) Thursday was Newsletter day at my job and I was waiting for my turn to be in the "getting to know ..." section and my luck, I was chosen to do it! It was really fun writing about things important to me and everyone got a few laughs from what I said. Friday finally arrived and it was wonderful!!! It started with a HUGE Happy Birthday to Baby Colton who turned 1! Boy the cake looked sweet, after he took a bite, he made a cute sour face. At work I got the "spot on" award which is where every week one person is spot-lighted for working hard. It came as a total shock but I was super happy to get it!! Friday night Erik and I celebrated our wonderful week with a nice dinner at Texas Roundhouse. It was a wonderful ending to a wonderful and busy week. Today I'm trying to look at rental homes and then hopefully find something to spend my $25 gift card on-hehe. I'm looking forward to praising God tomorrow and believe me he deserves lots of praises!!! AND, DON'T FORGET, Go Texan Day!!!!! Where your Texans colors proudly as they get ready for their 2nd playoff game.
I hope you all have had a good week and I hope your weekend is amazing!! I look forward to posting tomorrow.
Enjoy the pictures, Happy Saturday and God Bless you