Erik and I have been very busy! We moved into our new apartment August 30th. It went smoothly and the new apartment is great! Erik started school and so far, things have been ok. My 21st birthday came and flew by, it was great and so much fun! Dinner with close family and friends is the best! Erik's 22nd birthday is right around the corner, got to start thinking of things he would love to do. Every year I try to do something fun for my hubs to remind him how much he is loved. My best friend, who is expecting a girl, is only days away from having her baby and I can't even begin to tell you how excited we are to meet that sweet little peanut. Hope to post pictures of that sweet peanut soon!
We found out on Sunday, September 29th that we were 9 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately, at our first ultrasound and prenatal visit, the doctor informed us that the baby passed away at 8weeks5days old. It was very difficult yesterday after receiving the news, but we are trying to keep our heads up and be hopeful that we will get pregnant quickly and with a health little bean. Today, as I was walking the dogs back into the house, a butterfly flew in front of me and I immediately had this overwhelming feeling that it was our little Sweetpea angel and it made me smile. A quote that has been helping me through, which I hope will help others going through this, is "An angel in the book of life, wrote down my baby'a name, then whispered as she closed the book, "to beautiful for earth."" That has been such an inspirational quote for me.
I'm hoping that the hubs doesn't have to work tomorrow so we can make a visit to the pumpkin patch. I'd really love to get a pumpkin or two! Then, Ren Fest starts next Saturday and I'm hoping we can go but hubs might have to!!! I am looking forward to more posts now that I have time, so here's to blogging again!
Thank you for reading and much love,