Thursday, June 11, 2015

BODIFICATION {06.11.2015}

Last night was so fun, I can't even begin to explain, but here I go.
Happy "Day Before Friday" Day! 
So recently, I have been wanting to change up my workout routine. Although I absolutely love the stair master, I realized that I needed to break ties and find something different to challenge my body daily. So I found Zumba and Yoga!!!
I've heard from so many people that Zumba is fun and energetic, almost like you don't even know it's a workout. Well, I have to agree. The trainer last night really made it feel like I was just enjoying some fun dancing out on the beach. We did hip-hop, salsa, and meringue. The body movements were fairly easy, for a first time Zumba-er, and for the most part, every one, first timer or veteran, could keep up with our bubbly instructor. The music was great! I was pleasantly surprised. I guess I always assumed that it would be boring background music but we danced to real songs that you could sing along to, like me, while dancing to really get involved, get excited, and get moving. I also enjoyed the fact that the class was small enough to move around and breathe, but large enough to not feel singled out like the whole room is just staring at your back. Most of the Zumba-er's were wearing yoga-like pants and workout shirts, I opted for shorts because I wanted to be as cool as possible. I didn't take pictures in the class but this picture pretty much represent how fun it really is!
I will say, I think too many people are worried about "looking silly," but bottom line is, you are there to workout, get fit, and have fun. To be honest, everyone probably looks silly or feels silly but no one cares because everyone is to busy having fun. If you haven't already, I challenge you to take on just one Zumba class and let me know how you liked it. Besides, like Grandma always said, "how do you know you don't like it, if you haven't tried it?"
Tonight, I get to enjoy one hour of relaxing Yoga. I have been waiting for this all week. I guess really Yoga and Zumba were tied, and maybe Cycling too. Last night, after Zumba, I went to Target to pickup my yoga mat. It's cute, not pink, but cute lavender. It will work.
I wanted to share with you, especially those who are considering yoga, some of my favorite yoga pieces and what to pack in your yoga bag.
Yoga Pants, Yoga Shirt(s), Water Bottle, Towel (not pictured), Yoga Mat, Headband, Sports Bra
Those are just a few of my favorites! Although it is not pictured, it is very important that you bring a towel. I am also pretty excited about mastering some yoga poses. Here are some of the beginners poses that I want to master. This week, so far, has been quite fun. Changing up the workout schedule and enjoying new classes. Although we haven't officially started our new portion control program or workout plan, we wanted to take this week to get prepared. It's always good to get your body ready for something big. Stay tuned for tomorrow morning's post. I will talking about our upcoming portion control program and workout plan. If you want to join us, I will detail out all the things you will need to take part in this. I am really excited to see where we will be over the course of the next few months as we try to shed off the remaining 20 pounds we are eager to lose.

I look forward to posting details about the yoga class.
Have a great and beautifully blessed day