I am so excited to recap 2018. I think it was by far one of the most amazing years we've had. We were truly blessed and I'm so proud of what we accomplished last year, that it motivates me to work harder to keep it.
January 2018 - I quit my job! To keep a long story short, I was working for a company I had been with for a while (on and off) and I was about 4 months shy of delivering baby boy 2. JMWR (our first son) ended up getting double pink eye which caused me to be out of work for two weeks since daycare would not take him back if he even had the slightest evidence of pink eye. We managed to get it under control and I returned to work on a Monday only to be called during lunch time by the daycare advising that JMWR was very fussy and not acting like his usual happy-self. I drove him to the doctor because I knew something was wrong, and come to find out, the double pink eye turned into double ear infection. This was now going to keep me out of work for another week. During this time, my boss was hounding me about my return and I continued to remind her that I cannot control that the daycare would not allow my son back and that meant I would have to be home with him. I remember texting my husband my frustration with my boss not understanding the issue, and told him that I wanted to quit and start my own company. So I did! Overnight I put together a website, some pricing, and stayed up until my husband left the next morning emailing and messaging small business owners my proposition and how I could be of assistance. Within a week, I had five customers and was already making what I was making working for two-weeks at forty hours a week. To say it was a blessing is an understatement! I just surpassed a year of business ownership and am proud to say that things are still going great and I now have eight clients who are more like family than clients.
February through April 2018 - Not much took place during this time as I was just working my business and being a stay at home mom preparing for baby two. We did however have a small diaper shower that was so laid back and fun. It was a "Huggies and Chuggies"theme. Guests brought Huggies diapers, and we supplied the Chuggies aka Beers! Since our first shower was more about me and baby, I wanted this one to be all about dad! It was his turn for some attention and love.

May 1, 2018 - We welcomed our little bouncing baby boy number 2! It was an emotional rollercoaster. We were so excited to be holing baby two but were so sad that we had to leave our big guy for three days while we were in the hospital, although he came to visit, it was never long enough for us. Our second little guy was born May 1, 2018 at 10:45am weighing 8lbs and 5oz. He came out screaming and hasn't stopped since, but he really is a happy baby, he just gets very fussy when he is hungry - reminds me so much of his daddy (hehe).
Remainder of May through July 2018 - My husband graduated his 5-year program for his job which allowed him to promote to a Foreman! And, we kept our promise that after graduation, he could buy the truck of his dreams....and he did! He was so excited and I was so proud. The truck he was driving was a single cab Dodge that he got as a Junior in High School, so it was definitely time for an upgrade. When he started the program, he talked about wanting a Dodge Ram 1500, and that's exactly what he got and the look on his face when he got in for the first time after signing the papers - PRICELESS!!! We even took the boys on a few adventures which included Gruene, New Braunfels, San Marcos, and Round Top, TX. It was so fun getting to take them to new places and embark on some small town TX adventures.

July 31, 2018 - We signed the papers and started the process of building and buying our first home. Talk about overwhelming in the greatest way possible! It was a very easy process and we finished building and signed our contract, and moved in, on November 27, 2018.
August 2018 - Lots happened in August. We broke ground on the house, we had JWOR's dedication, and JMWR's 2nd birthday party. It was so fun! There's a little place not to far from where we live that has so many fun things for kids of all ages, and adults. His party theme was "Party Animals," because let's face it, that is exactly my 2 year old! Daddy and I made his cake, which was a guest favorite but didn't make enough and note for future parties: make bigger cakes. It was a great party. He got LOTS of Lighting McQueen toys - his favorite - and after the party, all of the kiddos crashed! Parents were cheering everywhere that their little ones were knocked out. Another note: always have LOTS of activities that wear kids out.

September through October 2018 - We celebrated a few birthdays in some fun ways! In September, I turned 26 and in October my husband turned 27. We celebrated his birthday by taking a trip to Rock Port, TX. It was a quick weekend but it was fantastic. Any chance to get away is amazing, and we made the most of it. My best friend let us stay at her parents vacation home with her and it was amazing. We stayed up and played games, and had a few drinks. It was relaxing and the kids loved it too. We took a day trip to the aquarium, and our big guy was in total shock. Overall, it was a really fun way to celebrate. Of course we attended Ren Fest again this year - we go every single year, and this year did not disappoint. We saw shows, played games, and even enjoyed several of the activities. AND, this was the first year our big guy was able to go trick or treating for Halloween. 2016 he was way too little and 2017 it was raining. While we had a little bit of sprinkling, overall, it was a great night. JMWR dressed up as Mickey Mouse and JWOR dressed as a "baby shark."

November 2018 - Lots of family and love, and packing in super speed. November was great! We celebrated Thanksgiving with the family and just two days later, signed the contract for our home and moved in the same day. It was so hectic. We were packing like crazy because, of course, we waited until the last minute. But it all came together, it was amazing and overwhelming and absolutely the greatest time!
Deember 2018 - We celebrated Christmas in our new home! We hosted family for Christmas lunch, and everyone was so gracious to comment how much they loved our home. Santa came and left, but the memory of our 2018 Christmas has stayed.
After writing this, I realize we were immensely blessed in 2018. God has been so very gracious, and I can promise you that none of this would be possible if not for His love and His promises. I cannot wait to see what 2019 brings. So far, it's been wonderful!
I hope you all had a fantastic New Year and no matter what happened last year, remember this: "Always be Thankful in the Good Times and Faithful in the Bad Times." God has made 7,000 promises to us and He will make all things happen when it is time.
Sending love and hope for your 2019,