For Christmas, my in-laws surprised me with a Coredy Robot Vacuum. I have been searching everywhere for a good Robot Vacuum, because let's face it, when you're a mom of three and two of the three are toddlers (one being a newborn who doesn't make a mess yet), the house is never clean but it's nice to have someone, or something, to go behind you and do the dirty work - like sweeping and mopping.
I was so excited to try out the vacuum and popped that sucker open the same day! I was shocked at how easy it is to set up. Inside of the box, it comes with everything you'll need plus more. Coredy provides you with two sets of sweeping blades, an extra filter (one is already in the robot when you get it), a remote for operating the robot plus batteries (thank goodness, a company that gets it), and a few other items that you can use for the robot.

The best part, the robot comes charged which is amazing because I was able to start cleaning the same day, and my home needed it after our real tree shed all over the floor.

In terms of ease-of-use, this robot is extremely easy to set up. Because you have the remote, you don't need to download the app which saves a lot of time. However, the only thing I struggling with was the app. It downloaded easily however the app had trouble finding the robot. The robot has wireless and bluetooth capabilities, so if you want to use the app, you'll have to have wifi in your home. I'm not sure why my robot had trouble connecting but it didn't bother me that much as I already had the remote and scheduled the cleanings on the remote without any trouble.

Honestly, I am thrilled with my robot vacuum - which our 3 year old lovingly named, Blippi (shocker). Blippi is able to clean hard wood, tile, and carpet. The crazy part is that, on carpet, it leaves really pretty vacuum lines - they’re not in straight lines like they’d be if a person was doing it, but for me, it’s enough to feel like I have a helper behind me.
I’ve been really impressed with how easily it picks up our dog hair. We have a Siberian Husky, Australian Shepard mix, and her hair is thick - so the fact that he can pick it up...mind blown! So, I decided to do my own experiment with the dog hair to show just how powerful this little thing is.
Here is before... (the lines on the floor are from the dog cage that I moved to help Blippi clean)

I’ve been really impressed with how easily it picks up our dog hair. We have a Siberian Husky, Australian Shepard mix, and her hair is thick - so the fact that he can pick it up...mind blown! So, I decided to do my own experiment with the dog hair to show just how powerful this little thing is.
Here is before... (the lines on the floor are from the dog cage that I moved to help Blippi clean)

During the cleaning...

And after...

So, overall, this vacuum is amazing! If you're in the market for a robot vacuum, you can find the Coredy on Amazon (click image below).