But I will say, my Christmas gift, a healthy baby girl, is a little more special than any old decor. Still, I’m dreaming about how I’m going to decorate next year since we are literally just days away from Old Saint Nick’s arrival. I have a few home decor projects to tackle between the first of the New Year and next Christmas, and most of the remodeling is in preparation for next Christmas - manly my DIY faux mantle project we will be starting once I’m cleared for “normal activity.”
In the mean time, I wanted to share the does I’ll be heading to for discounted decor for next year, and give you a glimpse at what my decor looked like last year.

Hobby Lobby is obviously number 1 for a number of reasons. To start, they have great deals like 40-50% off which makes it hard to beat, but aside from that, they know how to impress me with their aisles upon aisles of sparkling decor which literally screams “buy me!” They have something for every style too! I remember being obsessed with red and black plaid one year, and going to HobLob to find a whole section for me. This year I haven’t narrowed down any theme per day, unfortunately, but next year I’m thinking red and green but fancy! Is that a thing? Basically, here’s my inspo for next year ...

In order to make that come true, here are a few of the other stores I’ll be shopping.
At Home. This massive decor store is incredible. Any season, any holiday, you can find the most beautiful decor. Their tree section alone takes up about 8-10 aisles!! Speaking of which, in 2016, we switched from a fake tree to real trees. However, I’m starting to think that I may want a really pretty flocked 8-9foot tree next year. While I love the tradition of picking and cutting the tree down, I always get so sad when the tree dies. This year, we got the most gorgeous tree and it makes me so sad to think in a few days, we will have to toss it out.

Next, I’m heading over to HomeGoods. We just recently got a brand new store about 5 minutes from our house which feeds my Rae Dunn addiction even more, but it also means I have adorable and affordable decor readily available at my fingertips! Just walking through the 5-6 aisles of Christmas explosion, I fall in love. Imagine a woman in a really flowy dress, slow-motion twirling in the center of the Christmas aisle as snow falls - that’s what I feel like when I’m in HomeGoods. Is that dramatic? Maybe next year I’ll actually do just that!

Last, but not least in the slightest, I’m putting Kirkland’s on my list. And all the ladies cheer! I know girl, I know! Kirkland’s is heaven. Literally! I’m almost certain that God himself came here and said “here’s a little example of heaven...KIRKLANDS!” How can you not go to Kirkland’s for Christmas? They have the most beautiful decorations and I’ve come to adore that the store always smells like a dream. Their Christmas decor has definitely tripled in size over the years, and I’m not mad at all. Believe that you’ll see Kirkland’s decking my halls next year.

So, there you have it. Oh, and bonus, just about every one of these stores, except At Home (get with it At Home) now carries Rae Dunn! While HomeGoods is by far my favorite for RD shopping, Kirkland’s and Hobby Lobby have now started carrying her stuff and I cheer every time!