I'm so sad this is the final day of Blogmas, but I hope that the last few Blogmas posts have been helpful for you this holiday season or that you saved them for next year.
Like many families, one of my favorite Christmas traditions is to drive around and see Christmas lights. We live near Houston where River Oaks homeowners drop thousands of dollars to decorate their mansions and I appreciate them doing so because it's so dreamy and so worth the late night.
These are just a few of the homes in River Oaks!

Dreamy isn't it?
So, I wanted to do something fun because as we get close to Christmas Day, now is the best time to get in all the Christmas lights you can before they go away for 365 days!
Usually, I make a cute little Polar Express ticket, grab some hot chocolate, and load up the family in the car for a fun drive through the lights. This year, I wanted something for our 3 year old to do while enjoying the lights, so I made a Christmas lights scavenger hunt and realized it's such a great idea so I figured I'd share it with you as part of the Blogmas posts since it's the perfect way to wrap up the Christmas season.
Be sure to print a few copies and take them with you on your Christmas light journey.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!!