Every Friday during October (yes I know I missed one Friday, but we will just start now) I want to post five things. They can be anything, not just about TTC, but literally anything! So this Friday I wasn't to show you some items that I have fallen in love with this year. Let's get started...
Right now, I am obsessing over monograms! I could literally monogram everything and not even care. How perfect is this pillow? Can I point out the fact that the monogram is perfect for the hubs and I? {Megan Richards Erik (MRE)} Although I like his name to go first, since he is the head of household! Also, I would like to mention that monograms look good on anything!
Multi-bracelets! Look at all these precious arm candies!!! The country chic feel is great since we love in Texas. Also, I would like to mention that #JunkGypsy is "beat and interesting" (word choices by my mother-in-law interference to Junk Gypsy) and if you are ever in Texas be sure to stop by. My sweet mother-in-law even made me one of the cute tan leather bracelets with my name on it. I dig it, but I still need the rest of the bracketed to make it apart of the perfect country Fall outfit!
Bubble necklaces! So I don't actually own one, but I love the style. I'm sure you've seen them everywhere and there's a good reason...it's so cute! They have about 20 different colors at Wal-Mart but other fun retailers like Charming Charlie carries them as well. Great for casual, business, wedding, and more! Be sure to get yours for the perfect accessory for Fall fashion!
Riding boots and calf sweaters. I am just loving this fun fashion! The calf sweaters are adorable and I can absolutely appreciate a darling get up like this. Cute jean-like shirt, black leggings, calf sweaters, and riding boots! Would love to wear this during Thanksgiving dinner or even for church.
Lastly, but the best, is the rustic bedroom with burlap. I am soo in love with burlap, it is perfect for any time of the year but definitely Fall! When we move, our bedroom will definitely have a rustic feel with burlap throw pillows. I might even make a cute burlap bunting banner to put above the bed...we shall see.
Well, there are "Five for Friday" items for more inspiration. Best part is, I just gave you some great ideas for Christmas gifts. I hope you enjoyed this post, I have some other fun ones planned. I will only be doing this in October so I want to make it fun and maybe even informational...?
I will be posting my PCOS update for day 5 of week 2. Hard to believe I am already at the end of week 2! Also, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post! I was going to do the XYZ box today, but decided to do that tomorrow since I wanted to do Five for Friday on Friday lol. I think my TTC ladies will really enjoy the XYZ box!
Well Wishes and Baby Dust