Monday, October 13, 2014

PCOS Update & Vlogging {10.13.2014}

I want to start by just giving you a quick PCOS Diet update. Unfortunately, I completely forgot to weigh myself in for end of Week 2 so I will be doing my week 2 end recap tomorrow. I did want to show you my little baby Fertility Friend chart...
So far it's looking pretty normal. As I go through my cycle, I will be anxious to see if 1) I ovulate, and 2) if the PCOS has been reversed. I will be doing a side by side of my PCOS charts versus this chart and we can see if there's a difference or not. 

Next, I want to encourage you to check out my TTC Update on YouTube, you can follow this link to the Vlog:

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's blog post and be sure to Subscribe to our Blog as well as our YouTube channel so you can keep up with our Daily Vlogs!!!

Well Wishes and Baby Dust