Saturday, October 11, 2014

The XYZ Box {10.11.2014}

I really wanted to write about this box after finding out about it from a fellow vlogger, who happens to be the creator. Right now, if you order the box, 10% of proceeds will go towards Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (as it is breast cancer awareness month), another 10% will also go towards The Zygote Foundation for the Advancement of Fertility Research to help build funds for grants for infertility. When you purchase your monthly subscription box, you will receive pregnancy and ovulation tests, one beauty item, one comfort item, and one stress relief item at minimum. Below is a photo of this months box.
This particular box included: 1 first response pregnancy test, 5 wondfo pregnancy tests, 5 wondfo ovulation tests, 1 thank you card, 1 2015 monthly pocket calendar, 1 pink rubber duck for breast cancer, 1 nail polish, 1 milk chocolate candy bar, 1 package of charmin to-go toilet seat covers, 1 package of fall themed tea light candles, and 1 fall themed glass tea light candle holder.

This is a great product because for women who are on their TTC journey, sometimes the little things make a big difference. I have been on the lookout for a TTC box, and when I came accross it, I had to have it! Best part, as you know. I love to POAS (pee on a stick) and this box will provide monthly ovulation tests and pregnancy tests...PERFECT! I also really like the fact that there are other fun items in the box to keep the TTC couple at peace during their TTC journey. If you would like to find out more, or order your XYZ Box, visit Let me know if you order yours and what you think! 

Well Wishes and Baby Dust

***Disclaimer: I am not a paid blogger or spokesperson for the XYZ Box, nor do I personally know the creator.***