Wednesday, October 8, 2014

PCOS Diet Day 3 Week 2 {10.08.2014}

Stay tuned because I have a great post for PCOS, or really any TTC couple. Also, Friday I will have a fun post for more inspiration this Fall! 

Here are my stats for this Week 2 so far...

PCOS Diet Day 3 Week 2

Weight (day 1 morning): 174.6
Weight (day 3 morning): no weight taken
Weight lost: ------
Food today:
B- egg and green bell pepper omlete
S1-  orange
L- leftover Genghis Grill and pineapple
S2- orange
D- chicken, mushrooms, and zucchini all cooked in coconut oil. 
S3- black olives
Energy: not terrible. Still a little tired even though we went to bed early but I'm starting to think that it may be my period that makes me tired. But I was also very focused.
Anything else: had my acupuncture appointment today, and after the appointment my period got a little heavier so it must be working! 
If my period does not go away tomorrow, I will only be charting my BBT and will not start the OPKs. As soon as AF goes away, I will being using the OPKs. For those that will be joining me for this months TTC, this is for us...

Well Wishes & Baby Dust