I swear, my M.I.A. status over these last few weeks has reason, but let me just start by updating you on what happened with the last cycle. So, as some of you may know, E and I decided to regain our TTC status and pick up right where we left off. We decided we would give this TTC journey one more try before moving on to other things to preoccupy our time. Well, no surprise, I'm not pregnant. Although, it's not all sadness. We decided that we are going to take a cruise and paid the deposit the same day my negative pregnancy test number 100 million showed up. I'm really excited about the cruise but even more excited that we have started a whole new fourteen week workout plan. After having so much success with the last workout plan (twelve weeks at six days a week and clean eating), we figured we would try to lose the remaining twenty pounds we can't stand and hopefully, with luck, lose it and look good for our cruise.
Aside from way too many negative pregnancy tests, cruise deposits and payment plans, and working out/new eating plan, we have also been busy spending time with friends and family. If you know E and I, then you know we are HOMEBODIES! Oh yes, it's that serious! We are the last people you will ever see out and about but recently, we have been trying to connect with friends more and spend time doing fun things with them. Sometimes, when I think about the rest of the year, I remember just how busy it gets and how I look forward to those crazy, fast moving Fall and Winter months.
On another note, Erin Condren just released a tiny hint and preview of the upcoming 2015-2016 planner! I must admit that I am pretty darn excited and, you bet, I'll be one of the first people to place my order on June 9. If you want to see the sneak peek, click here.
Just a short blog today to give you an update!!!
God Bless