With that, E and I have been discussing "gifts" for our anniversary. We never get each other gifts for anniversaries and are usually content with just dinner and a movie. But, this year marks 3 years and since 3 is a lucky number for E and I (or so we hope), we decided to just splurge a little.
I was really excited about E's gift...a GoPro!!! He had been asking and talking about GoPros for a while but I just didn't see the need until we started talking about trips we've taken and how many videos were lost from those trips. We even mentioned the trips we plan to take and how we would love to have that footage for years to come. We also talked about doing daily Vlogs on YouTube because we regret not Vlogging our TTC journey or just life in general. There's a long list of reasons, I'm sure, why E wanted a GoPro, which is why I got him one. He was really surprised when I told him I bought one and we were equally as excited when it arrived at our front door. Here it is, mounted and ready for vlogging!
E got me two really amazing things, first thing he got me is a KitchenAid Mixer attachment to make our own sausage. I have been wanting to get this attachment for a while and I'm really excited to use it. Second thing E got me is bigger and more sentimental, to us a least. He got me tickets to the Sweeney Todd play!!! I am sooo excited because our very first date was to Sweeny Todd, our senior year when we weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend yet, we were just "old friends catching up." Of course it was the High School version but still it was fun and that date led to a prom-posal and we know how the rest goes. I must admit that I couldn't believe the odds that of all the years, this would be the year (lucky # 3) that the Wortham Theater Center in Houston would be putting on one of my most favorite plays/movie.
Aside from the gifts and the play, we will also be enjoying a really fun, day-time activity. We are going to a 5-tier ropes course and Zip-Line! I have never ever been zip-lining so this will definitely be interesting. Either way, I think this will be a really fun and eventful anniversary! Oh, and of course E is already talking about bringing the GoPro for the ZipLine footage.