Friday, May 8, 2015

3 DAYS UNTIL THE END {05.08.2015}

As of today, I have three days until I start my progesterone. Tomorrow, I will start eating pineapple core and drinking my Bump Water! I will be taking Prometrium 200mg for twenty days which at the end of those twenty days I should know if I am pregnant. Basically, that means that starting Monday, May 11th, I will be in my Two Week Wait! I'll admit, I don't believe there are any TTC sisters that like the TWW. It just seems to drag on forever. I do however, like to take the opportunity to rest. You know how God spent six days creating the world and then on the seventh day He rested? Well, I know my TTC journey isn't nearly as large or important as God's creation of the world, but just as He rested after a long week of work, we use the TWW as our resting period. No stressing or worrying. It's in God's hands. We acknowledge the success that we had in sticking to our BDing "schedule" and do not dwell on the things we did not do or should have done differently.

*Mini Q&A: Why are you eating Pineapple after ovulation? Pineapples contain an enzyme called Bromelain which is anti-inflammatory and has been known to increase cervical mucous and possibly the chance of implantation in early pregnancy. For directions on consuming pineapple for ovulation, see directions below*

I mentioned that I will be starting my BumpWater to which I'm sure some of you were wondering what in the world that meant. Well, go check out BumpWater! It's not a replacement for prenatal vitamins but instead an enhancer. Packed with tons of benefits and supplements. Not to mention, they are delicious! 12 bottles are just $28.99!!!

While I know that I have not blogged as much about this cycle as I did with my cycle in January, I have still been following the same "schedule"/"routine," so if you are a new TTC Sister and need a little help creating and following a plan that may be successful for you, then check out my TTC JOURNEY: CLOMID YEAR 2 ROUND 1 page. You can see how I tracked my cycle and other things I did to accomplish getting pregnant. For those interested in getting the full and detailed version of all the things we changed that worked for us, be sure to read WHAT WE DID DIFFERENT YEAR 2 ROUND 1 THAT WORKED!!!

Today is also my last OPK testing day and since I didn't do my daily OPK update, check out my progression of OPKs from beginning on CD to end, today, on CD 15. 

Now keep in mind, with the Advanced ClearBlue Digital OPKs, you should never refer to the lines to tell you if you are ovulating. The smiley faces on the ClearBlue will show you what you need to know. I have heard so many women say that they look at the test strips, and in thinking like the other tests, to see if the lines are the same. With ClearBlue its different. The test itself measures both LH surge as well as Estrogen, so when it gives you a blinky smiley face, you better be BDing because you are at High Fertility. When you get the steady smiley face, you definitely want to BD because you are in Peak Fertility. Once you get a Peak Fertility on the ClearBlue Advanced, there is no need to continue testing as it will display the Peak smiley face for 48 hours. After which point your ovulation will have ended. Be sure that you are BDing according to the SMEP: BD day of positive OPK, the next day, then skip one day and BD one more time, to ensure the best possibility of catching that little eggie.

As I mentioned, I am on CD 15. I awoke to a dropped temp but with my FMU I was still only receiving a blinking smiley face (High Fertility) it wasn't until second morning urine around 9:30am that I successfully received my steady face (Peak Fertility). What better day than on our 5 year (dating) anniversary? Yes, we still celebrate the date E asked me to be his girlfriend and we also celebrate our engagement anniversary. Another thing that surprised me about this cycle was that it was on time. Ovulation according to my Clomid calculator pin-pointed this date, my Ovia fertility app said this was my day, and my body sent me signals like cramping, achy boobs, and bloating. Let's just hope this means we will finally get pregnant with our Healthy Rainbow Baby!!!

This will more than likely be one of the last posts about my cycle. Since I will be starting my TWW, there won't be much to blog about as far as my cycle is concerned. I will however, let you know if there are any symptoms from the Progesterone, so for those interested in that, be sure to stick around!
By the way...
Baby Dust, God Bless, and Best Wishes!
**Directions for Pineapple Core after Ovulation: 1) Use a knife to remove the pineapple exterior 2) Cut through the middle of the pineapple from top to bottom leaving halves to work with 3) From each half, slice six to eight equally sized wedges and 4) After confirmed ovulation, begin consuming one to two slices of pineapple each day.**