August 1&2- My Mom & Dad's Birthdays
September 7- Labor Day
September 9 - My Birthday
September 24- My MIL's Birthday
October 10 through November 29- Texas Renaissance Festival
October 22- Hubby's Birthday
October 30- Little Princess Alli's Birthday
October 31- Halloween
November 21- My FIL's Birthday
November 26- Thanksgiving
December 24- Christmas Eve
December 25- CHRISTmas Day!
Fall is busy but I love it and it really is the happiest time of the year!
Also, I just love the way the trees have that golden color. Oh and we can't forget the adorable decorations that people put up, specifically pumpkins. They are the cutest things ever. Ladies, get your Pinterest boards ready!!!
One thing I really want to strive to do this year is make a Fall Bucket List. I think it would be so fun to complete things with the Hubby for Fall. Whose with us? Some of the Bucket List items on my mind are things like: Going to a pumpkin patch, make s'mores outside by a fire, ect. That's all I've got so far, but I will work it and present a really great Fall Bucket List for those that are interested. I think I will even do the Bucket List with a hashtag and add photos to Instagram.
One thing I really want to strive to do this year is make a Fall Bucket List. I think it would be so fun to complete things with the Hubby for Fall. Whose with us? Some of the Bucket List items on my mind are things like: Going to a pumpkin patch, make s'mores outside by a fire, ect. That's all I've got so far, but I will work it and present a really great Fall Bucket List for those that are interested. I think I will even do the Bucket List with a hashtag and add photos to Instagram.
Also, I wanted to chat a little about some of the ladies that I follow on Instagram. So many of them have been receiving their BFPs (Big Fat Positives- on Pregnancy Tests). Babies are such blessing and I love seeing all those positive tests. 2016 will welcome so many little miracles and I just love that each of these special ladies are able to celebrate these Fall holidays with a little miracle baby in their bellies. What a great Christmas gift! Look how wonderful and giving our Lord and Savior is that He would allow so many to enjoy the feeling of their own child growing in their womb on the day that His son, Jesus Christ, was born.
That's all I've got for today, I just felt like writing something short and sweet. Of course I had to give a shout out to the Insta-blessed ladies.
Thank you for reading and God Bless
Texas Renaissance Festival Throughout the Years: