Tomorrow it starts! Hell Week!!! Here is the eating and workout plan. Keep in mind, this plan is to help you eat similar to Paleo. Let's start with the "what you CAN eat." Keep in mind that we are only talking about week 1. So you will only follow this for one week and then you will be done. Seven days, you can do it!!!
What you CAN'T eat: No Sugar (including fruit), No Dairy, Legumes, Alcohol, Artifical Sweeteners (stevia, honey, agave, ect.), No FRUIT!!!
In addition to the eating, be sure that you are drinking (1) gallon of water a day.
Here's a sample on my menu for the week:
Breakfast: Eggs & Spinach
Snack 1: Celery or Carrots (alternate) & Sunflower Seeds
Lunch: Chicken w/ Broccoli & Almonds
Snack 2: Celery Carrots (alternate from snack 1) & Pumpkin Seeds
Dinner: Beef, Chicken, or Tilapia w/ Spinach & Broccoli & (2) tbsp. of Almonds
Snack 3: Almonds
I know, sounds so basic right? But that's the point of Paleo and I love it. Very simple.

Now, let's talk workout plan. Did I mention High Intensity? Well, that's what the goal of this plan is. Work hard, earn your body. Push yourself even further than you thought possible.
Monday: Back and Abs
-Cable Row - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (5 sets total)
-Barbell Row - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-Back Extensions - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps (4 sets total)
-Stability Ball Crunch - 15-20 reps (3 sets total)
-One Legged V Sit - 30 reps (3 sets total)
-Lying Leg Raises - 15 reps (3 sets total)
Tuesday: Legs and Calves
-Alternating Reverse Lunges - 15, 12, 10, 10 reps (4 sets total)
-Smith Wide Squat - 20, 15, 10, 10 reps (4 sets total)
-Step Ups - 15, 12, 10 reps (3 sets total)
-Lying Leg Curl - 20, 15, 10 reps (3 sets total)
- Standing Calf Raise - 20, 15, 10, 8, 15 reps (5 sets total)
Wednesday: Rest
-45 minute cardio in the morning
Thursday: Chest, Biceps, and Abs
-Incline Smith Bench Press - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (5 sets total)
-Pushup With Feet on Stability Ball - 10-15 reps (3 sets total)
-Incline Flye - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-Incline DB Alternating Curl - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-EZ Bar Curl - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-Reverse Crunch - 20 reps (3 sets total)
-Hanging Straight Leg Raise - 15 reps (3 sets total)
-Scissor Kicks - 35-40 reps (3 sets total)
-45 minute cardio in the morning
Saturday: Should and Triceps
-Arnold Press - 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (5 sets total)
-Standing Bent Over DB Lateral Raise - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-One Arm Cable Lateral Raise - 12, 10, 8, 6 reps (4 sets total)
-Rope Press Downs - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps (4 sets total)
-Dips - 10-15 reps (3 sets total)
-Bicycle - 30 reps (3 sets total)
-Straight Leg Crunch - 25 reps (3 sets total)
-Lying Leg Raise - 15 reps (3 sets total)
Sunday: Total Rest
-tune back in to prepare for week 2 and get the information for your week 2 eating/workout plan
So there is week one for you. Just think, it's only seven days. I will be doing daily weigh-ins as well as daily measurements. Good luck and remember in seven days, you'll feel better, look better, and you'll be ready to push for another week. One week and one pound at a time to get to the goal!!!