Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Due to the fact that I have an overwhelmingly large number of readers who are in the TTC world, I wanted to put this up. Keep in mind that E and I are no longer in the TTC world, we have basically taken one huge leap away from that world for a while, but for my ladies that do read this blog, waiting for the TTC posts, here is one just for you.
It is crucial that you are taking the correct vitamins for you and your future embryo. Those little eggies need all the vitamins and supplemental boosts they can get. Here are 10 of vitamins you need to conceive!
pregnant, woman, pregnancy, belly, baby, fetus#1 Zinc
#2 Folic Acid
#3 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
#4 Omega 3 Free Fatty Acid
#5 Iron
#6 Calcium
#7 Vitamin B6
#8 Vitamin B12
#9 Fish Oil
#10 Prenatal
Take this list to your nearest pharmacy and stock up ladies, you are going to want all you can get to make that healthy miracle baby.
I also wanted to share some other tips and tricks for conception.
pineapples, fruits, market, fresh, healthy, foodPinapple
Although I am not a doctor, I have heard some amazing things about pineapple. If you eat this magical fruit, mainly the core, after ovulation has been determined, you will have a better chance of implantation. You can thank Brolemain, an enzyme found in pineapples, for the help. How much do I believe this? Well, to be honest I'm not sure. I did eat pineapple core with our second pregnancy, in January, which was successful in landing a BFP but I'm not sure how much this factored in. Worth a try though!
I'm sure you've heard me talk about this before, and with good reason. In addition to the pineapple back in January, I was also seeing an acupuncturist weekly throughout my cycle. Not just for fertility, but for relaxation, Acupuncture is so important for balancing systems throughout your body. During a TTC journey, it's easy to get caught up in the frustration and stress, Acupuncture allows us to breathe and calm our body and minds. After all, the most important thing you can do for your future pregnancy is ensure that you aren't stressed.
girl, woman, fitness, exercise, gym, weights, leg press, peopleWeightloss
Now, don't hate me for saying this, but weight plays a very vital roll in fertility. If you are even five pounds over your "normal" body weight, your fertility will be negatively affected. Just like the round in January, I was doing all three of these things. I managed to lose about 30 pounds and, although it wasn't easy, we sure managed to get pregnant first cycle after a whole year break. I'm not saying that it's impossible to get pregnant if you are five pounds overweight, but the healthier you are, the better your chances.
Just go back and look at anyone of my posts from the last cycle in April or the one in January, and you will see that I am an avid believer in the SMEP Plan. I found this little gem searching the web and it has worked wonders for us. Again, we were successful while using this in January. This plan is crucial and can help you and hubby stay on track. Best part is, this plan keeps the man and woman accountable during the TTC journey. It's important that men build up their swimmers, so waiting at least one day for that to build up is so important. Another thing is, it helps remind us to pay attention to dates and timing so as to not miss our small window of opportunity. Find out more about the SMEP Plan here.