To say that I was thrilled when Ashley agreed to be a Guest Blogger is a grand understatement. I was literally jumping for joy. I originally found Ashley's story when searching for my competition bikinis. I was amazed by her because I was literally following the road she had already walked. I was so inspired and felt like I could really accomplish my goal because I saw what she had accomplished. Here is Ashley's amazing and inspiring bikini competitor transformation story.
Six months ago I remember feeling empty. I felt like I had nothing to live for, rather I was just going through the motions of what I thought being an adult meant. My day-to-day routine was wake up, go to work, go to the gym and head home. I did all of these things because I thought I was suppose to, but felt like I wasn’t reaching or working toward any of the goals I had said I wanted to accomplish in my life. Literally in one night, I decided to change that.
After trying to workout on my own for a year, I decided to reach out to a local bikini competitor, just to seek some advice on what might be my biggest hindrances in achieving the body I needed for a competition. We exchanged a few emails and it was then that I realized this would be a much larger undertaking than I anticipated, and the only way I could do it, would be with help from a trainer who had been in my physical condition once before and transformed herself to look the way SHE wanted. I will never forget the email she sent asking if I wanted to start training with her. I think I stared at it for a solid hour before I responded. In all honesty, I knew I wanted to compete in my dreams, but I was terrified to actually take the first step and commit to training. The quote we have all seen and heard flashed through my head - “If your dreams don’t scare you a little, then they probably aren’t big enough.” I knew I had to commit, even though I was terrified. This was one of the most pivotal points in my life this year.
Fast-forward six months and I am 40lbs. lighter, training for my second NPC bikini competition, confident, happy and learning something new about myself every day. When I try to think back on the process, I honestly can’t remember it all. I think it got so difficult that my brain actually blocked out some of it. But at the same time, that process showed me just how hard I can truly push myself and how big of a goal I could achieve. I never in 1,000,000 years thought I could weigh 125lbs. (In fact, I was confident that I couldn’t lose weight. My goal weight was only 150lbs. with me starting at 165lbs.).) But now that I have been able to push through obstacles and difficult times, I am much more confident in my abilities in all areas of my life. This process made me realize that if something genuinely scares me because I feel like I may fail, then it’s probably also an opportunity for something great to happen. Don’t let fear hold you back. Embrace it. If you’re like me, when something is uncomfortable, you want to shy away from it. I am telling you now… DON’T! You may never get the opportunity that has presented itself to you again. Don’t waste it on things that may or may not happen. Rather, ensure that they do by simply giving your all to your dreams.
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Instagram @ahoffman514 |
I am so thankful to Ashley for sharing her story. She has truly inspired me in so many ways and I hope she has inspired you to reach your fitness goals. It's so amazing to meet people who have the same goals and desires. Fitness, health, and working out bring so many people together, we are like family. Just as Ashley said, never give up on your dreams, work hard and you will succeed!
Congratulations to Ashley for competing in her first NPC Bikini Competition and best wishes for her future competitions. I'm looking forward to the possibility of competing alongside of her one day.
*To learn more about NPC Bikini Competitions, click here!*
*read Ashley's original post here!*
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Tell them you learned about their amazing suits from Ashley Hoffman and Megan Richards.
*Megan is not affiliated with or a member the National Physique Committee at this time. Megan does not work for Angel Competition Bikinis however, she is a customer. Megan was not paid by the National Physique Committee or Angel Competition Bikinis for this post. Guest Bloggers are not paid and are offering their stories at their own will. Guest Blogger information should not be copied or sold. Please do not steal images from this post.*