Monday, September 21, 2015

OPK | CYCLE DAY 12 : CLOMID YEAR 2 • ROUND 3 {09.21.2015}

I'm thinking I may do updates on the OPKs every other day. So post on CD 12 to give an update on CD 11 and CD 12; post on CD 14 for an update on CD 13 and CD 14; post on CD 16 for an update on CD 15 and CD 16; last OPK post will be on CD 18 to give an update on CD 17. Does that make sense? If not, that's ok, just come back daily for updates and blog posts.

So E and I have bets going to see what day I will ovulate. I guessed CD 13 and E guessed CD 15. We will see who wins...winner gets a backrub!

 *top test* 
CD11 (11am) - negative, very faint
*middle test* 
CD11 (6pm)- negative, extremely faint
*bottom test* 
CD12 (11am)- negative, line is getting darker but is still very faint
***********Cycle Update Below***********

Fertility Chart
 I am pleasantly surprised to see that my temps are between 97.2 - 97.7. Very unusual for them to be that kind of "normal." (Round of applause for Clomid for helping with this.)

Ovia Fertility Monitor

This app is frustrating at times because I never feel it's right. I know the app is not familiar with Clomid and how it works, so hopefully it will update accordingly when I get my positive OPK.
Sperm Meets Egg Plan
Cycle days 2 thru 6:
9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15

•{Baby Dance}
Cycle days 9 thru 17:
9/16, 9/18, 9/20, 9/22, 9/24, 9/26

 Cycle days 11 thru 17:
9/20 thru 9/26
updated - twice a day (1) @ 11am & (2) @ 6pm

•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle days 18 thru 30
9/27 thru 10/09

Cycle days 30 thru 35
10/09 thru 10/14

Start on Cycle day 18