Infertility is...
Watching your husband playing with your friend's baby and
wishing you could give him one of his own.
Telling nurses to please take blood from your right arm because the veins in your left arm are all gone because of all the IVs you've had.
Avoiding people you haven't seen for a long time because you
don't want to hear the question, "Do you have any kids yet?".
Feeling very left out when your friends start comparing their
pregnancy or childbirth experiences.
Feeling like the whole town is pregnant except for you.
Getting tired of people always expecting you to do things
because "you don't have any kids to worry about".
Waking up in the middle of the night and wishing you could hear your baby crying.
Wishing you could give your parents grandchildren.
Wanting to fall apart if one other person says, "Why don't
you adopt?" Easy, right?
Sometimes avoiding friends who are pregnant or with newborns because you just can't handle the situation at that moment.
Every single time you babysit someone else's kid they go off about how you are getting "practice." I want my own child, I know how to change a diaper. Thanks.
Credits: How to Have a Baby: Overcoming Infertility
wishing you could give him one of his own.
Telling nurses to please take blood from your right arm because the veins in your left arm are all gone because of all the IVs you've had.
Avoiding people you haven't seen for a long time because you
don't want to hear the question, "Do you have any kids yet?".
Feeling very left out when your friends start comparing their
pregnancy or childbirth experiences.
Feeling like the whole town is pregnant except for you.
Getting tired of people always expecting you to do things
because "you don't have any kids to worry about".
Waking up in the middle of the night and wishing you could hear your baby crying.
Wishing you could give your parents grandchildren.
Wanting to fall apart if one other person says, "Why don't
you adopt?" Easy, right?
Sometimes avoiding friends who are pregnant or with newborns because you just can't handle the situation at that moment.
Every single time you babysit someone else's kid they go off about how you are getting "practice." I want my own child, I know how to change a diaper. Thanks.
Credits: How to Have a Baby: Overcoming Infertility
I think we forget that we are not in control. Even when you take medication, go through with IVF, use a surrogate, or adopt, nothing we do is in our hands. Everything is in His hands. I read an amazing blog post yesterday from Oh Baby, Baby's blog. She captured perfectly in one post how important it is to remember that each trial, and every tribulation we walk through has a greater purpose. Every time a cycle fails, a miscarriage takes place, or a baby is born still, it's completely up to Him. He knows what He is doing for us and we must be reminded everyday that His plan for us, which may take longer than we'd like, is always for the better.
With every road we walk, every step we take, we must know that God is right there beside us. Isn't it an wonderful feeling to know that someone loves us unconditionally? What an amazing Father we have.