I am back for another glorious OPK update. To my surprise, things are progressing in the most amazing ways this cycle. This is the first cycle that I feel confident and surprised by my body. Clomid is usually harsh on my emotions and my body, but this cycle I am happy and I don't see the things happening the way they did in previous rounds. This is all great news and gives me hope that this may be our lucky round. This may be the cycle we finally get pregnant with our healthy rainbow baby. Take look at that progression and my Fertility Friend and Ovia cycle stats.
*top to bottom*
CD11 (11am) - negative, very faint
CD11 (6 pm)- negative, extremely faint
CD12 (11am)- negative, line is getting darker but is still faint
CD12 (6 pm) - negative, very faint
CD13 (11 am)- negative, getting darker but still faint
CD13 (6 pm)- negative, very faint
CD14 (11am) - negative, darker than CD 13 but faint
*ovulation will likely take place CD15*
*ovulation will likely take place CD15*
*side by side comparison of morning OPKs*
This is a much better photo to better show the progression of this cycle to ovulation. You can see that each morning, at 11am, the first line is getting darker. Ovulation can only be determined once the first line is as dark as, or darker, than the second line. Unlike pregnancy tests, a faint line means negative. I have a feeling ovulation will take place on CD 15 from looking at the OPK progression.
***********Cycle Update Below***********
Fertility Chart
Note that the day I have a darker OPK, CD 14, I am also experiencing EWCM! Ovulation will likely take place within the next 24 to 48 hours. Temp is slightly higher this morning but still lower than the rest. Ovulation can only be confirmed once three higher temps follow a low dip.
Ovia Fertility Monitor
Originally, the app stated that my "fertility score" was only a 3.5 but after I took notice of the EWCM, the app updated. Ovulation will likely take place within the next 24 to 48 hours.
Sperm Meets Egg Plan
Cycle days 2 thru 6:
9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15
•{Baby Dance}
Cycle days 9 thru 17:
9/23, 9/24, 9/25, and 9/27
updated - days remaining
Cycle days 11 thru 17:
9/20 thru 9/26
twice a day (1) @ 11am & (2) @ 6pm
•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle days 18 thru 30
9/27 thru 10/09
Cycle days 30 thru 35
10/09 thru 10/14
Start on Cycle day 18