Friday, September 23, 2016

1 MONTH {09.23.2016}

Well, he is here! Our son has been in our world for one month today and it has been magnificent. Actually, it's been everything we've ever dreamed of. I will be talking all things delivery, expectations verses realities, and all things "new parents" in an upcoming blog, but for today I will focus on him. 

I will start by introducing him, his name is Jensen Michael Wayne Richards, born August 23, 2016 at 2:21am weighing 7lbs. 14oz. and 21.5 in. Currently, he has blue eyes that seem to change daily, he loves Disney music and bath time, he officially graduated out of newborn clothes and diapers and now wears size 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. He drinks about 4 to 5 ounces of formula per feeding, he is such a big boy and sleeps in his co-sleeper, and he already weighs 9lbs. (according to the home scale).  He smiles daily, he poops like crazy, loves to pull my hair and yank on any necklace I am wearing. He is everything we've ever dreamed of and sometimes it doesn't even feel real, mainly because he is simply a miracle from God is all aspects. We literally struggled for four years with unexplained infertility, had multiple miscarriages, and it was only when we stopped the treatments and started praying that we were blessed with him, our healthy, miracle, Rainbow baby. Then, the pregnancy. It went by so fast, like the blink of an eye. And now, he is here and we are just soaking up his love, giving him constant kisses, and we catch ourselves just staring at him for hours being so thankful and grateful for him. 

About his name. We get a lot of questions about his name. Jensen, was the name that my husband had had picked out since he was in middle school. He had a very inspiring football coach named Coach J. Jensen and from that moment on, he wanted nothing more than to name his first son Jensen. So, for years, E and I saved this name for four years waiting for our sweet boy to come and take it, and he fits it so well because come to find out, Jensen means "God has been gracious," and if there is ever a little boy that fits that, that would be our son. Michael, his first middle name, was my father's middle name, and after his sudden passing in 2008, I knew I wanted my son to have my father's middle name. Yet again, aside from being sentimental, Michael is also an Archangel, just another reason our son is truly fit for the names he bears. Wayne, his second middle name, is E's father's middle name. I always thought it would be unfair to say that one father was more important than the other and since E's dad is a HUGE part of his life, I often say E is the man he is because of his amazing father, it made since that our miracle baby, who may be our only baby, needed to carry his grandfather's name. I feel that a name often gives a person life. Of course, we all have to choose our path, but I feel like we learn to grow into our names, that's why people say "you DO look like a so-and-so," and "make a name for yourself." I believe wholeheartedly that our son will be gracious, he will be an angel to those around him by bringing help, peace, love, and care, and I truly believe that he will have a kind and just heart like his grandfather. 

We are just over the moon and so thrilled to have him here. He is all that we've been waiting for and so worth it!