Thursday, November 3, 2016

LIFE LATELY {11.03.2016}

It feels like life just seems to be going by faster and faster. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it hard to believe we are already in November? Well, Chapter 11 of 12 has officially started and I'm already thinking about what to do next. A lot of big things are coming up for 2017! I can't give away too much detail yet, but I can tell you it's going to be amazing!

Currently, I am a stay at home mom, but I am also preoccupied with college courses. I decided back in June that I wasn't going to keep making excuses, I was finally ready and determined to get my degree. Funny thing, my first college class, since 2010, took place during my final trimester, and I literally took my final exam two days before delivering JMWR. But you know what? I passed! So now, I am taking two college classes, English and Geography. I have a long way to go, but I know that it will go by fast, and if I focus more on today rather than trying to rush, I will actually get to walk across the stage.

Aside from college, I am eager to get back into the gym. Funny thing, back in August 2015 when we went on our last cruise, I managed to get down to my goal of 160lbs. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I didn't gain a single pound until the very tail end about two weeks before delivering, but even then I had only gained 5lbs. Since delivery, I have returned back to 160lbs. And although I am truly thankful for being back where I was, I'm not where I want to be, yet. My hope is that I can work hard over the next year and by next November, I want to reach my real goal of being about 125lbs. Too be honest, the number isn't so much my focus as just being toned and healthy. Just last night, I was scrolling through old Facebook photos and came across this photo. 
On the left is me in November of 2013 and on the right was October 2016.

My hope is that I will also be able to encourage my husband to join me in losing weight again. He hasn't gained a whole lot, but I know he isn't where he wants to be either and I love working with him to make him a better man, after all, that's what a wife is supposed to do.

There are some other exciting things coming up, but as I mentioned at the beginning, I can't really talk about it yet, but stay tuned because it's going to be BIG!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2 MONTHS {11.01.2016}

I am overdue on this because our little guy turned two months on 10.23.2016. But as a mom, who also happens to be going to college, I put certain things ahead of others. One priority, while I'm still at home, is to enjoy time with both of my guys (my husband and my little one). Originally, I was supposed to return back to work, but my husband decided, the night before I was supposed to return to work, that he felt better with me being home and knew that it was a dream of mine. It's been wonderful! Waking up with my little guy everyday is simply the greatest thing in the world! Needless to say, he keeps me very busy, but I still manage to find time to get all of my college stuff done every time he lays down for a nap. Alright, enough about that, I want to focus this post to be all about two months with my precious, miracle rainbow baby.

First off, time is so cruel! Every single time I get ready for bed, I think to myself "another day in the books with my son, but why did it have to go by so quickly?" I find myself reflecting, every night, on new things he did or discovered how to do. Recently, he loves to sit up, whether it be in my lap, in his Bumbo or froggy floor chair, or even just sitting up with little support behind him, he loves it! He also finds it amusing to try and stand up while his daddy and I hold his arms. Tummy time is great because it shows just how strong he is and how quickly he is growing. It's no joke that everyday babies really do learn something new, and while, as a parent, you are excited, there is also a part of you that wants to cry. For us, he is our first after many years of trying, and to think that he is already at the point of prepping to crawl is sad. I don't want my baby to grow up so quickly. I honestly thought the "newborn" stage would last longer, but in all reality, it probably only lasted about three weeks or so. Since then, he has been sleeping through the night, and trying everything he can to go from two months to twenty years old right in front of our eyes.

In terms of eating, he is still only eating formula. Typically he eats anywhere from 4-6 oz. per feeding. We did have a few days where we gave him some homemade oatmeal, but I decided I wanted to go back to just formula. He did great on the oatmeal and we probably could've kept up with it, but I wanted to wait until he could really enjoy being a "big boy," as well as still give him a few more months to be a tiny baby! I feel like they are only a baby for about four months, then they decide that they are ready to take on big people foods. It's crazy! Although, I do look forward to watching him grow up, I want it to be slow and steady.

He still loves Disney music and bath time. Recently, he got too big for baths in the sink, so we had to transition to the tub. Right now, he takes baths with me. It's easier and he enjoys floating in the water. Nap times have started taking place in his crib to prepare him for the transition from our room to his. A few nights ago, he fought us for hours while we were trying to get him to fall asleep with us, it wasn't until I laid him in his crib that he passed right out! He only stayed in there a few hours and then, because I couldn't handle it, I went and picked him up and brought him in our bed for the remainder of the evening. Tonight, we will be trying a new idea. Tonight, we are going to try putting him in his co-sleeper. If all goes well, we will continue this for about week and then try to move him from our room to his, while still in the co-sleeper. Eventually, we will move him out of the co-sleeper and into his crib. It's going to take time. I'm in no rush, to me, as long as he is happy, and we are getting sleep, then it doesn't matter where he is. On the upside, I found out today, that he enjoys the sounds of white noise in any form or fashion. So, right before nap time, I put on symphony music as well as some form of white noise. For the past few weeks, I've been using a "shh" machine made for babies, but during nap time today, I put a small fan in his room which mimicked the sound of the fan from our room and he passed out!

As far as clothing goes, he is already ready to graduate to size two diapers and has started favoring the size three to six months clothes. Some of his three month clothes barely even fit anymore. All of his newborn and sizes zero to three months have been packed up. I decided on a few outfits that I wanted to keep, but all the others are gone from his closet to make room for the larger sizes.

At his last doctor's appointment, he weighed 13 pounds and 10.5 ounces, and is 24.75 inches long. Needless to say, he is a big boy, but we knew that was going to happen...have you seen his daddy?!

All in all, life is great! We've had such a wonderful time watching our sweet rainbow baby grow each and every day.

I will do my best to blog more frequently!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

DELIVERY STORY {9.25.2016}

Today, I want to tell you my delivery story. I know, there are millions of stories out there, each one as unique as the next, which is exactly why you need to hear mine. There are so many stories and sometimes people will make you feel like you have to have the same story as them, that's not the case. Hopefully my story will help you or even just open your eyes to what can happen even against any plan you may have.

First, let me start by saying that I am a planner. If you've been following my blog, you know very well now that I over plan everything! It's a real issue. So naturally, I had a birth plan. I knew what I wanted, and how I wanted it. What I didn't know, was that sometimes more than not, no one, including your own body, cares about what your plan may be. That was certainly the case for me on delivery day. 

So here we were, Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:30am, sitting in the hospital waiting room to be called back to our labor and delivery room for our scheduled induction. 6:30am rolls around and I finally start Pitocin. Things were going good. I started at 2cm and let the nurse know ahead of time that I was fully prepared to labor as long as possible without an epidural. The Pitocin was administered and things were going great. I didn't feel anything at all, but contractions were about 2 to 3 minutes apart. Sometime between 8 and 10am, I progressed to 4cm. At this point, my back was on fire! I had back labor more than anything, which was to be expected because I had fractured my back sophomore year of high school in cheer and knew that I was going to have to deal with back labor one day. It was around this time that I decided to go ahead and get medication to ease the pain. I let my husband, and the nurse, know that my goal was to make it to 6cm without any epidural because I had heard that epidurals can slow down labor and typically around 6cm is the best time to get it because the chance of it slowing was low. Things were going great, the medication was amazing and really helped my back. Well, 7pm rolls around and I had finally made it to 6cm and requested the epidural. I was so excited because 1) I met my goal and waited until 6cm to get the epidural, 2) I had labored 12 hours and had hopes that because I was at 6cm I'd progress quicker, and 3) the doctor's made it sound like I was laboring wonderfully and that he would be arriving within a few hours, or so they thought. Well, for five long and emotional hours, I was stuck at 6cm and my OB was pressuring me to prepare for a c-section. At this point, after every cervical check, I was in tears. Terror was all that was on my mind. I didn't want a c-section, nor did I plan for it. I wanted to experience the joy of vaginal birth. I wanted that moment. 12am, still stuck at 6cm, we made the final call to move forward with the c-section. Needless to say, I was terrified. They escorted my husband, dressed in full doctor scrubs, out the door and prepped me. 2am arrives and the doctor's were wheeling me back to the operating room. Drugs, drugs, and more drugs. Mind you, I NEVER take medication. If I'm sick, I fight it off. I will find any means possible to avoid taking medication, but for this, I'm glad drugs exist. They started off by administering a second epidural, then proceeded to poke me and pinch me and ask "can you feel that?" They continued until I could no longer feel the pinching. Next thing I know, my husband is beside me and they've started cutting me open. 2:21am, we hear the soft cries of our son. It was amazing! He was a beautiful sight. Things were going great for a few minutes, but then I started puking so they administered more drugs to help with the nausea, which only made me more groggy. According to my husband, because I was so drugged up I couldn't remember, the doctor's were worried because I wouldn't stop bleeding. Apparently, my uterus was exhausted from laboring for 18 total hours and wouldn't contract to stop the bleeding. The worst part, I don't remember any of that. I don't even remember holding my son for the first time. My husband recounts that it was the scariest moment of his life. To see his wife shaking due to being in shock and not even being able to hold my own head up. From what he told me, we were in the recovery room for about 2 hours. before being moved into our postpartum room. To be honest, those 2 hours, I have not a single clue what took place. I do remember waking up in the postpartum room and seeing my in-laws walking in to meet our son, other than that, I have no recollection.

I'll be honest, recovery was rough. Walking was darn near impossible. Trying to sit while going to the bathroom was painful. Just rolling over in the bed was a challenge. Nothing can prepare you for the pain of a c-section, but I managed to push myself and meet all the goals set out for me and we were able to go home early! Our nurses were telling me that I wouldn't be able to go home until Friday at the earliest, but I wanted to be able to recover at home, so I met every goal set in front of me and by Thursday afternoon, we were being discharged from the hospital. 

To say the very least, this was an interesting experience. I will say, I am very envious of the women who are able to deliver vaginally. It had always been my dream to be able to deliver vaginally, but I didn't want to risk my child's life or health by laboring when my body clearly just wasn't doing what it was supposed to do. I do wish I could've been able to remember that first time I held my son, but the drugs hindered me and the only proof I have of my first time holding him, is in pictures on my iPhone. Overall, I am so thankful our son is here and we are all healthy, but this just goes to show that we can make plans, but we must be understanding and prepared when they don't go our way.

Friday, September 23, 2016

1 MONTH {09.23.2016}

Well, he is here! Our son has been in our world for one month today and it has been magnificent. Actually, it's been everything we've ever dreamed of. I will be talking all things delivery, expectations verses realities, and all things "new parents" in an upcoming blog, but for today I will focus on him. 

I will start by introducing him, his name is Jensen Michael Wayne Richards, born August 23, 2016 at 2:21am weighing 7lbs. 14oz. and 21.5 in. Currently, he has blue eyes that seem to change daily, he loves Disney music and bath time, he officially graduated out of newborn clothes and diapers and now wears size 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. He drinks about 4 to 5 ounces of formula per feeding, he is such a big boy and sleeps in his co-sleeper, and he already weighs 9lbs. (according to the home scale).  He smiles daily, he poops like crazy, loves to pull my hair and yank on any necklace I am wearing. He is everything we've ever dreamed of and sometimes it doesn't even feel real, mainly because he is simply a miracle from God is all aspects. We literally struggled for four years with unexplained infertility, had multiple miscarriages, and it was only when we stopped the treatments and started praying that we were blessed with him, our healthy, miracle, Rainbow baby. Then, the pregnancy. It went by so fast, like the blink of an eye. And now, he is here and we are just soaking up his love, giving him constant kisses, and we catch ourselves just staring at him for hours being so thankful and grateful for him. 

About his name. We get a lot of questions about his name. Jensen, was the name that my husband had had picked out since he was in middle school. He had a very inspiring football coach named Coach J. Jensen and from that moment on, he wanted nothing more than to name his first son Jensen. So, for years, E and I saved this name for four years waiting for our sweet boy to come and take it, and he fits it so well because come to find out, Jensen means "God has been gracious," and if there is ever a little boy that fits that, that would be our son. Michael, his first middle name, was my father's middle name, and after his sudden passing in 2008, I knew I wanted my son to have my father's middle name. Yet again, aside from being sentimental, Michael is also an Archangel, just another reason our son is truly fit for the names he bears. Wayne, his second middle name, is E's father's middle name. I always thought it would be unfair to say that one father was more important than the other and since E's dad is a HUGE part of his life, I often say E is the man he is because of his amazing father, it made since that our miracle baby, who may be our only baby, needed to carry his grandfather's name. I feel that a name often gives a person life. Of course, we all have to choose our path, but I feel like we learn to grow into our names, that's why people say "you DO look like a so-and-so," and "make a name for yourself." I believe wholeheartedly that our son will be gracious, he will be an angel to those around him by bringing help, peace, love, and care, and I truly believe that he will have a kind and just heart like his grandfather. 

We are just over the moon and so thrilled to have him here. He is all that we've been waiting for and so worth it!

Friday, August 5, 2016

NURSERY REVEAL {08.05.2016}

Well, I am finally ready to post his nursery reveal. Although the photos are a few weeks old, for the most part, everything you see is as it should be for his big arrival. We had so much fun decorating and prepping his nursery. From the bedding all the way down to the final touches, it was just a wonderful experience overall. Our "theme" is based off of Psalm 91:5, which reads, "you will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day." I fell in love with this verse very early on in my pregnancy and knew that if we were to have a boy, his nursery would be designed around this verse. So, here it is...
For now, we are keeping his name a secret, so that is why the mustache is over his arrow name sign
We are going with cloth diapers, and I just love the way his cloth diaper changing station turned out
This was given to us by his grandma, and I just loved the design, perfect for all of his extra little things (and yes, all of the kitchen stuff is put up and out of his extra storage boxes)
My husband and I worked so hard on these custom shelves. We spent about $20 making them and now, thanks to all our wonderful family and friends, his book shelves are completely full (this was taken months ago) 
And finally, his ladder blanket and DIY "love" sign made by me. I just adore this blanket ladder.
All in all, I love the way his nursery turned out, photos just do not do it justice. What theme or ideas do you have for your nursery?
Wednesday, July 27, 2016


One of the many things I was looking forward to during pregnancy was maternity pictures. For years, waiting for our bundle of joy, I would look and save maternity pictures from Pinterest. Finally, after four long years of waiting, I was able to get my chance to take our own maternity pictures. I will say, it took me a long time to find my photographer, but in the end, I am so glad we went with Over the River Photography. Jessica did a fabulous job, but don't just take my word for it, see for yourself.

I look forward to move photo opportunities with Jessica. I cannot thank her enough for capturing these amazing moments for us.
Thursday, July 21, 2016

JMWR | BABY SHOWER {07.21.2016}

I have totally been slacking on my blogging, and am so behind on posting this, but Saturday, June 18, was our baby shower! What a wonderful and amazing, but totally hot, day it was. It was everything I've ever dreamed of, and for a girl who had four long years to dream, it really was the epitome of perfection all thanks to my wonderful in-laws. Erik and I were overwhelmed in the happiest of ways by all the gifts, support, and love everyone showed us. Our little man was showered with love and it was a day I will never forget. Planning for the baby shower started back around end of March, I put complete control in my mother-in-law's hands. Of course, I did tell her color schemes and ideas that I loved, but gave her complete and utter control over decorations and coordination. To say the least, she went above and beyond! Here are a few pictures from our special day for our sweet baby boy...
Loved the setup which matched his room theme. Rustic turquoise, and arrows.
 We were truly showered with gifts for our sweet boy and could not believe the love from our friends and family.
Hydrangeas are my absolute favorite so I give major props to my MIL for making these the centerpiece.
 Our cake! My MIL totally shocked me with this cake design and I was totally in love.
Sweets station, cheese and cracker tray, but the hit of the party, the fruit tray!
Sweets galore: cupcakes, candies, cake...all so delicious 

I loved the little bow making station for girls, but since we are very obviously having a boy, I had to think of something cute, so we encouraged guests to make onesies! So fun and I can't wait to see him wearing them.

All of JMWR's stuff is unloaded and his nursery is just about ready, still adding the final touches, but before long, I will be doing a nursery reveal.
Friday, June 24, 2016

YOUNIQUE MAKEUP {06.23.2016}

Since my pregnancy began, I have felt that sometimes it was easier to run to the store and just pick up any makeup I could find. While I thought I was getting a good deal, I started noticing things about that "store bought" makeup that made me realize that I definitely wasn't getting a best deal at all! For example, acne was starting to show up more and more frequently. For someone who has never had acne before, this was actually really frustrating!  Additionally, half way through my day, my makeup was practically gone. I thought all makeup was the same. Then, I started thinking back to last year when I was using Younique. My skin was clear, my makeup lasted all day, and overall, the quality was amazing! So, I decided to jump back in and start re-ordering my makeup.
Here is what I ordered:
• Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes+
• Mineral Touch Liquid Foundation (Organza)
• Mineral Touch Concealer (Organza)
• Beachfront Bronzer (Sunset)
• Moodstruck Minerals Blusher (Scandalous)
• Moodstruck Addiction Shadow Palette (#2)
• Moodstruck Opulence Lipstick (Upscale)
• Moodstruck Opulence Lipstick (Extravagant)
• Lucrative Lipgloss (Lovesick)
• Moodstruck Precision Pencil (Perfect)
• Splurge Cream Shadow (Tenacious)

One thing I LOVE about my Younique makeup is that it really gives me a photo-shopped look and it really does last all day! I wake up and put my makeup on at 5:30am and by the time I get home at 6:00pm, it still looks flawless!
This is best thing I've read in a long time...

If you want to see just how amazing this makeup is, visit for videos, tutorials, and so much more!
Our skin is the most important thing, so stop wasting time, like I did, on store bought makeup and be YOUniquely beautiful!
***interested in purchasing? visit***

Friday, June 10, 2016

30 WEEKS | BIRTH PLAN {06.10.2016}

10 weeks to go!!!
I can hardly believe that we are just 10 weeks away from meeting our little man. I've had some questions about my birth plan, I think this is a pretty common question when women are pregnant, everyone wants to know what we envision for delivery day. Now, I have obviously never given birth before so I have no idea what to expect. I have heard both sides, the good and the horrid, but I realized that listening to stories shouldn't sway my feelings for what I want. Of course the things I plan now may or may not be what takes place on the actual day, but a birth plan is necessary, and this is what I'd like for our day. Let's just jump in:

1. Information and Notice to Nurses
It's important to provide your information as well as your OB's name because you will likely turn in your birth plan to a nurse at the hospital who has not met you before. We also decided to include a short note to our nurses explaining that we understand they are the professionals, but we would like them to follow our birth plan so long as mom and baby are healthy.
2. Environment
Here you want to detail who is allowed and not allowed in the room during labor as well as any additional things that you want to bring with you such as your own maternity gown.
3. Labor
Be sure that you detail out what you envision for your labor. Who will be there? What do you want the room to feel like (i.e.: rushed or relaxed)? Will you want music playing? What about lighting? Are you going to want pain relief, if so, when would you like it to be administered?
4. Birth
This is the part of the birth plan where you want to be detailed and answer questions such as who will be present, will you want to catch the baby, do you want a mirror to see baby crowning, will baby go straight to the nurses for measurements or will mom want baby placed on her? I also included that, aside from my husband, I do want the photographer to have access in the room.
5. After Birth
Depending on mom's energy levels, will you want baby to stay with you while you give first feeding or will baby go to the nursery while mom rests? This is where you will want to talk briefly about expectations for your post-partum room.
6. Notices Regarding Baby
Finally, you'll want to give a little notice to nurses and hospital staff that visit your post-partum room. For us, we are exclusively breastfeeding and request that baby not be given a pacifier or bottle. And although this may not happen, we would like to either be present during first bath or be able to give baby his first bath. This will vary by hospital requirements, so be sure to check with your hospital to find out how the first bath is handled.
Make sure that you take a copy to your 36 week appointment to go over with your OB. Most OB's will want to review your plan and may request that some things be changed. He may even be able to let you know what things will not be able to take place due to restrictions by the hospital.
I hope this gave you some ideas for your own birth plan. If you have any questions, feel free to message me!
Thanks for reading!
*Disclaimer: this is not my final birth plan; I have re-written it to better accommodate our changes and needs, and I will probably edit it once more after I've brought it to my OB*
Friday, May 27, 2016

28 WEEKS | GLUCOSE, RHOGAM, & DAYCARE {05.27.2016}

Yesterday was my 28 week appointment!
What an easy experience.
Let me recap on my entire visit. My OB appointment was scheduled for 2pm, but my doctor requested that I go to the downstairs to the lab first to take my Glucose test, so I made sure to get there around 1pm. Once I got to the lab, they gave me the Fruit Punch flavored Glucose drink and told me to drink it as fast as I could. To be honest, I was worried it would be horrible because everyone has always told me about horrific the whole thing is, but for me, it was really easy! I drink the entire bottle in about 30 seconds, it was delicious! Afterwards, I headed upstairs to check-in for my OB appointment. I checked in and was seen by my OB fairly quickly. The nurse went through the normal routine; listening to the baby's heartbeat, weighing me, and measuring my blood pressure. Currently, I am 171 lbs., which means I have lost 10 pounds from my last appointment, and my blood pressure is 124/70, last appointment, I was at 104/60. The best part is, I've only gained 2 lbs. this pregnancy which is absolutely amazing, back in January I was weighing in at 169 lbs.
After the nurse finished my normal check-up routine, she gave me my Rhogam shot in the butt. (For those who don't know, anytime a mom is O negative blood type with Rh incompatibility, a Rhogam shot will be given at week 28 of pregnancy as well as after the birth of the baby.) I honestly thought it would be painful, but it was really easy, took a few minutes for her to get all of the liquid out of the syringe, but overall, it was a really simple and quick experience. Afterwards, my OB came in to measure my uterus and we chatted for a few minutes about upcoming appointments and things to know as we approach delivery. He gave me the name of the pediatrician located in the building that would be able to meet us at the hospital after JMWR is born since our pediatrician won't be able to meet us in Houston. 
Overall, the experience was quick and painless, nothing nearly as bad as I've been told about, but I have also waited to get to experience this for a long time, so for me, it's just exciting!
All in all, this pregnancy is progressing very quickly. I cannot believe that I am in the third trimester and now officially beginning my every-two-weeks appointments. Below are the next appointments I have before our sweet boy arrives:
June 9 @ 30 weeks - routine checkup
June 23  @ 32 weeks - routine checkup
July 7 @ 34 weeks - routine checkup
July 21 @ 36 weeks - ultrasound to check on babies size and possibility of induction
July 28 @ 37 weeks - routine checkup
August 4 @ 38 weeks - routine checkup
August 11 @ 39 weeks - routine checkup (hopefully induction date)
After my doctor's appointment, we headed over to check out our little's daycare. The faculty and staff were so kind and greeted us immediately upon our arrival. They showed us around the facility, talked with us about programs they offered, and even showed us the classroom that our little guy would be in. We went ahead a put down our deposit to hold his spot to ensure that he has one. To be honest, I'm really excited for the days when I'll be picking up after school. It will be so fun seeing him playing and interacting with other people. Although I do want my six week maternity leave to go verrrryyyy sllloowwwlyy, I do look forward to being able to pick him up from school after a long day at work. I've already got his backpack planned out, I just need to buy it.
Our baby shower is coming up quickly too! We are so excited to see all of our friends and family members, and of course, be showered with gifts for our sweet boy. Every part of this pregnancy has just been amazing and with just 11 (induction) or 12 (due date) weeks left until JMWR arrives, we are overjoyed to be expecting and so thankful to God for our miracle baby.
And, because I feel like I haven't posted any bump pictures recently, here are a few from week 27!
My comparison between weeks 27 and 7! What a difference! 
Backwards "B" for Boy!
Picture of my bump from my view.
Baby bump!!! I just love him!
Once I hit 30 weeks, I want to make it a point to take a picture every week because from what I've heard, the bump changes so much over those last 10 weeks. I also promise to share pictures from my baby shower, and I will be sharing my birth plan with you! So many fun and exciting things coming up. We do plan on doing a nursery reveal, but I want to wait until it is completely ready before I do that, so I'm thinking around week 35 I will try to have it finished and show you his adorable nursery.
Thank you all so much for sticking around with me, following our journey, praying for our sweet boy, and allowing us to share this beautiful experience with you.
Until my next post, God Bless!
Monday, May 2, 2016

LIFE LATELY {05.02.2016}

I feel as though time is just slipping out of my hands. Recently, I have been so busy at work and on weekends, I have been enjoying some quality time with my husband so I feel like I never have time to post anything.
Life is great! Currently, we will be 25 weeks pregnant this week. Hard to believe how quickly it goes. I feel like every time I get an idea to post on the blog, I end up getting caught up. My next doctor's appointment is Thursday, May 5. Not sure, but I believe this may be the glucose test, if so, I'll definitely have to write about that. I have heard so many different things about this. Some people say it's not that bad, other's say it was the worst thing ever. I am definitely excited to be able to get to this point because just a few years ago, we didn't know if we would ever carry a healthy baby.
Two weeks ago, I fighting the flu and a UTI. That was an experience. I knew something was wrong the second I woke up. I got to work and started throwing up and felt absolutely horrible. My co-workers kept saying that I looked pale, so I finally called my doctor and the nurse basically told me to go home, take my temperature, and if it rose above 100.6 to call them. I monitored it all day while I was home, and around 5:30pm took it again to find that it had gone up to 101.34. I called the on-call nurses who advised me to have someone take me to the ER. Unfortunately, my husband was at school and wasn't able to take me, so my in-laws had to come and get me. We got to the ER and they started with blood tests, checked my urine for UTI, and did the
flu test. The doctor came back and told me I was positive for both a UTI and the flu. I spent about five hours in the ER being pumped with fluids and antibiotics. We finally left the ER around midnight. The next couple of days, I stayed home and rested. Thankfully, I was able to get better in time for work. I should say, that I have never had the flu or a UTI, and honestly, I didn't think I had either. I always assumed with the flu I'd feel like death and with a UTI, I'd have burning sensations, but I didn't really have either. I mean I felt really bad and I knew something wasn't right, but I definitely wasn't expecting the flu or a UTI. All in all, I'm thankful to be over that and feeling much better. I still have a cough, but it's slowly going away. Once I felt a little better, my wonderful husband and I went out for a movie date to see The Jungle Book, which we highly recommend, it was absolutely wonderful! I did my best to get "dolled up," but I still felt horrible so it was a miracle I managed to get dressed and put make up on.

23 Weeks
We are just a few days away from our anniversary and baby shower invites will be going out soon! I can't wait to see all of our friends and family. I do have some plans to post more and as I progress in this pregnancy, and doctor's appointments are closer, I will definitely have lots to post about.
Side note, for all my preggo friends that live in Texas, dresses are going to be my go-to for the entirety of the summer. It's only the second day of May it's horribly hot! I'm looking forward to getting this preggo belly in a cool pool, and I look forward to grilling because barbeque sounds delicious.
I will post after my doctor's appointment on Thursday!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

BOY OR GIRL {03.23.2016}

I know, I've been on hiatus. We have been so busy, and every time I think I have time to post, something comes up. Thursday, March 10, I had an ultrasound that revealed the gender. We were so excited, but the ultrasound technician lovingly wrapped up the results before we could see. Thursday night, we met up with our friends and my in-laws at Texas Roadhouse with the envelope in hand.

IT'S A BOY!!!!

It's a BOY!
We are overjoyed! We are thrilled! We couldn't be happier. We have been waiting for a sweet miracle and, regardless of the gender, we knew we would love this child. We cannot even believe that we are having a boy. Ironically, the entire pregnancy, I had dreams and very strong feelings that it was going to be a boy, so it makes it that much sweeter.
Today, I will be 18 weeks! Hard to believe the first five months have flown by. I look forward to posting more now that I am further and know the gender. I'm excited to share all of the fun ideas we've come up with for him.
I won't be announcing his name until his birth, so you'll have to stick around for that.
Thank you for all of your love and support. We are so thankful for our healthy little boy.
Friday, February 26, 2016


We are officially out of the first trimester!!!
Time to dish out on my experience with our Rainbow baby.