Wednesday, September 30, 2015


It's almost October and to end this month, I thought I would do something fun and different than my normal, everyday blog post. I was catching up, aka binge reading, the Momentary Moments blog by Sara Holt when I read this post. I figured it was fun and different so I figured I'd give it a try.
1. Favorite Food? Does ice-cream count? No, ok well I guess it would be Chick-fil-A's amazing and delicious chicken nuggets. Seriously, I cannot live with out Chick-fil-A.
2. High heels or flip flops? I love high heels but I don't always wear them just simply because I'm a klutz. Flip-flops are my go-to for the weekend or when I'm not doing anything "fancy."
3. Favorite places to shop? Hobby Lobby is my favorite home décor place, but as far as clothes go, I love JC Penney's, mostly because aside from the clothes, they always have a Sephora in them and I love stopping in and rummaging through all the new and fun makeup items.
4. Standard coffee order? Well, I don't drink coffee, *gasp*, I know it's hard to believe but I have never liked the taste, but it does smell amazing. However, I love Starbucks and anytime I see one, I will order a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino! *yum*
5. Must-have road snack? Pretzels, Flamin' Hot Funyuns, or Beef Jerky. I also enjoy fruits but they are sometimes messy and hard to manage if driving.
6. DIY or hire it out? I am a firm DIYer. I love being crafty, although I'm not always the best at it, I still really enjoy it. I look forward to buying our first home just so I can get in there and DIY-remodel everything!
7. Top 5 TV shows? Right now, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Scream Queens, American Horror Story, Difficult People, and any home remodeling, home buying, or just home related shows.
8. Favorite Book? The Great Gatsby! And you can bet that I own the movie and love it. It definitely helps that the main character is played by one of my favorite actors. But aside from the movie, I absolutely adore the book. The first time I read it, I was obsessed with it. The writing just seems to pull me in and I can't seem to put it down, no matter how many times I read it.
9. Favorite form of exercise? I used to love cardio. I thought that was the only way to lose weight, but after I really started working out and getting into a better routine at the gym, I realized that I prefer anything with weights. If I had to choose a favorite machine, that would be the Smith Machine.
10. How tall are you? Last time I checked, about 5 foot 2.
11. Do you try something new at restaurants or stick to favorites? Typically I will stick to my favorites but every now and then, if I'm feeling brave or adventurous, I will step out of my comfort zone and find a new favorite.
12. One makeup item you can't live without? Mascara. Forget everything else, I would not be able to enjoy putting on makeup if I couldn't have mascara.
13. What's on your nightstand? Right now, mostly TTC items such as essential oils for infertility, Progesterone tablets, my basal body thermometer, and of course my cell phone charger.
14. One thing infertility/TTC journey has taught you? I've learned that trusting in God is the most important thing. Even more, praying to Him and just having faith to know that He will provide and He will keep His promises for us to "go forth, be fruitful, and multiply." I hold on to His words and promises dearly.
15. Music that reminds you of high school? This may be showing my age a little bit, but I remember Fall Out Boy. Although I loved all forms of music, they were, at the time, growing into the band they are today. I loved that there were only few people who listened to them and liked them, now the whole world knows who they are and I feel they have become more commercialized so I don't really listen to them as much.
16. If you could live anywhere in the world, other than your current city, where would it be? On one hand, I'd love to live in Europe, like Paris, Germany, or Italy, but on the other hand I'd love to live somewhere else like Canada, Australia, or even stay in the states and live in Hawaii.
17. Something about you we might not know? I am a total nerd for movies like The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, to the point that I only want to go to Universal to spend the entire time in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
18. Websites you read/browse besides blogs? Google! I could spend hours just searching through Google. Best part is, you can start out searching one thing and then end up somewhere completely off the beaten path. Google is an online adults play land.
19. Morning person or night owl? During the weekends, I am morning all the way. During the week, I am looking forward to night time. Overall, I would say I'm more of a morning person, because I don't mind waking up early, but when it comes time for bed, I'm not missing out!
20. What's your best feature? Oh geez, I would say my eyes...I have always gotten compliments on them growing up and as I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate just how much your eyes can do. I like that they can tell people if I'm happy, sad, angry, or outgoing. Like they say, "the eyes are the window to the soul."
Well guys, that's my post for today. Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 28, 2015

WEEKEND RECAP {09.28.2015}

Well, we are just two days away from October and this weekend was a blast. Probably the best way to celebrate the last weekend in September. Friday night we spent time with the family at Willie's Icehouse to celebrate E's mom's birthday. We laughed and enjoyed quality family time. Saturday, E had to go to school to make up for the days he missed while we were cruising, so I spent most of the morning catching up on sleep and then headed off for a pampering session. After a long TTC week, a nice pedicure and nails. This is literally the first time I have gotten short, rounded nails. I usually go for short, square. It's also extremely rare, if ever, that I get a color rather than white tip. Saturday afternoon we headed over to E's parents house to help remodel and "fix it up." His mom has been saying for months that she wanted to finish the guest bath, kitchen, and paint the living room/dining room. I told her that it wasn't going to get done unless we actually did it, so E and I assisted. His mom and I were able to paint the whole living room and dining room in just a few hours. Although we do have several spots to go over since we couldn't reach, but overall, we managed to get it done. E worked with his dad on the guest bath and got quite a lot done. There is just a few more pieces left but they have to measure and cut the wood and it's being extremely difficult. Afterwards, we enjoyed some Chinese food at the dining table together. It was really nice getting to have dinner with E's parents without the TV. Although we were all worn out, it was nice just getting some one-on-one time with them.

Sunday, we woke up and burst out the door for church. Our church is about fifteen minutes from our apartment and it's a nice, country drive. The service was amazing and I was bawling. There was a video of a couple who struggled with infertility, had a miscarriage, and are now blessed with twins. I feel like that was a sign from God. Really and truly. I feel like that message was for me. Not that I have any doubts in Him or His plan, and I certainly am not in the position I was when we experienced our first miscarriage, but after this long week of TTC, the only thing left to do is pray and pray and pray. Pray that this round worked, but more importantly that we will have a healthy baby. Ironically, this isn't the only sign this weekend. Saturday night, we were laying in bed and turned on the TV, first show that came on was SteamPunk'd, mind you we had never seen this show before, but yet the first episode we watched was about baby nurseries. I laughed and looked at E and he knew exactly what I was thinking. After church, we headed home to watch the Texans game, and they won! While E enjoyed the game, I napped in the bedroom. I needed it. I had so much sleep catching up to do from the week prior, so it was really great being able to nap. Later that day we headed to the grocery store, grabbed our My Fit Foods for the next few days and before going to bed, we watched the new season premier of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It really was a wonderful weekend and now I am looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Aside from it being the first weekend in October, we have some fun plans and I can't wait to share them with you.

iPhone Photo Dump • Weekend Addition

Pampering - most relaxing two hours ever!
 The color, I'm in love.
 Before the Blood Orange Moon, we got gorgeous sky views. Looked just like a watercolor painting. God can make thing so beautiful!
 Here is the items you'll need for the Mason Jar DIY. Mason Jars, hot glue gun, glue sticks, pile of real or fake leaves, and a mini candle. I decided to use real ones because big Texas trees equals big gorgeous fall leaves.
Here is the final product. I just love the way it turned out and plan on making more. Although I think I may buy some of the fake mini candles, that way I can put these all around the house at night and not have to worry about it burning my house down.
Friday, September 25, 2015

OPK | CYCLE DAY 16 : CLOMID YEAR 2 • ROUND 3 {09.25.2015}

 Technically, you will not see an OPK from CD 16 because I stopped testing after my positive OPK. Typically, when using the ClearBlue Digital, after a positive you are no longer able to test so I figured I would use the same "process" with the Answer tests. After today, I will only have one more day of BDing and then Sunday, CD 18, I will begin Progesterone as well as the Two Week Wait. Anyways, here is the last OPK and cycle update.

*top to bottom* 
CD11 (11am) - negative, very faint
CD11 (6 pm)- negative, extremely faint
CD12 (11am)- negative, line is getting darker but is still faint
CD12 (6 pm) - negative, very faint
CD13 (11 am)- negative, getting darker but still faint
CD13 (6 pm)- negative, very faint
CD14 (11am) - negative, darker than CD 13 but faint
CD14 (9pm) - negative, very faint
CD15 (5am) - negative, waiting for the positive knowing that O is close
CD15 (10am) - positive, as dark as the control line
*ovulation took place on CD15; last OPK @ 10am*

*side by side comparison of morning OPKs*
In this photo you can see the progression to O. They were getting slightly darker but not nearly as dark as the morning of CD15 when I ovulated.
***********Cycle Update Below***********
Fertility Chart
This cycle I tried to pay attention to the signs my body was giving me in terms of my CM. The day my temperature dipped is also the day that I received a positive OPK so I know O took place between 11am on CD 14 and 10am on CD15. My temp will need to rise for two more days before the Fertility Friend app will recognize that CD 15 was O day.

Ovia Fertility Monitor
I think I've been on "12 days until pregnancy test" for about two days now. Every day, the Ovia app tries to update the information so I never know what it's doing but I do like that it gives you cycle information and uses your cycle data to give you notes about certain things that take place.

Sperm Meets Egg Plan
•{Pineapple Core}
Start on Cycle day 16
*start only after positive OPK*

•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle days 18 thru 30
9/27 thru 10/09

Cycle days 30 thru 35
10/09 thru 10/14

Start on Cycle day 18

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

OPK | CYCLE DAY 14 : CLOMID YEAR 2 • ROUND 3 {09.23.2015}

I am back for another glorious OPK update. To my surprise, things are progressing in the most amazing ways this cycle. This is the first cycle that I feel confident and surprised by my body. Clomid is usually harsh on my emotions and my body, but this cycle I am happy and I don't see the things happening the way they did in previous rounds. This is all great news and gives me hope that this may be our lucky round. This may be the cycle we finally get pregnant with our healthy rainbow baby. Take look at that progression and my Fertility Friend and Ovia cycle stats.
*top to bottom* 
CD11 (11am) - negative, very faint
CD11 (6 pm)- negative, extremely faint

CD12 (11am)- negative, line is getting darker but is still faint
CD12 (6 pm) - negative, very faint
CD13 (11 am)- negative, getting darker but still faint
CD13 (6 pm)- negative, very faint
CD14 (11am) - negative, darker than CD 13 but faint
*ovulation will likely take place CD15*
*side by side comparison of morning OPKs*
This is a much better photo to better show the progression of this cycle to ovulation. You can see that each morning, at 11am, the first line is getting darker. Ovulation can only be determined once the first line is as dark as, or darker, than the second line. Unlike pregnancy tests, a faint line means negative. I have a feeling ovulation will take place on CD 15 from looking at the OPK progression.

***********Cycle Update Below***********
Fertility Chart
Note that the day I have a darker OPK, CD 14, I am also experiencing EWCM! Ovulation will likely take place within the next 24 to 48 hours. Temp is slightly higher this morning but still lower than the rest. Ovulation can only be confirmed once three higher temps follow a low dip.
Ovia Fertility Monitor
Originally, the app stated that my "fertility score" was only a 3.5 but after I took notice of the EWCM, the app updated. Ovulation will likely take place within the next 24 to 48 hours.
Sperm Meets Egg Plan
Cycle days 2 thru 6:
9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15

•{Baby Dance}
Cycle days 9 thru 17:
9/23, 9/24, 9/25, and 9/27
updated - days remaining

 Cycle days 11 thru 17:
9/20 thru 9/26
twice a day (1) @ 11am & (2) @ 6pm

•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle days 18 thru 30
9/27 thru 10/09

Cycle days 30 thru 35
10/09 thru 10/14

Start on Cycle day 18
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

FALL {09.22.2015}

Hard to believe 2015 is just three months from ending. Did anyone else see this year fly by, because I'm not sure where it went? But, it's finally Fall! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. Just the whole time between September through December is just an amazing time. Every time Fall comes around, I celebrate it and try to enjoy every single day. Well, this Fall, even with all the crazy plans we have, I decided I want to make a Fall Bucket List. We more than likely will not be able to complete most of them, but I would like to attempt to do a few of them. Here's the bucket list I found:
Does anyone else have any Fall plans or family traditions? Right now, the only "family tradition" we have, between E and I, is Texas Ren Fest, which as you know, we attend every year. In addition to my bucket list, I want to update my Fall décor so a stop at Hobby Lobby is in my near future. Pinterest is to blame because everyday there is a new Fall décor pin and I just have to have it! *side note: I love Fall but I've never had a Pumpkin Spiced Latte (gasp)*  We wrote, in full detail, about our 2012 Texas Ren Fest experience here!
I'm really excited about the weekend of October 10 & 11 because we have a full weekend of fun Fall events to attend and I can't wait to share them with you. I'll talk about them a little more as the time comes, for now, I will leave you with a few blog posts from years before.
I guess you can say this is my yearly Fall blog post.
A Few Side Details
Erik is still in school, he just started his third year, first semester. Only two and a half years until he will graduate from the program and become a Journeymen. He is definitely looking forward to the end of the semester, like most people in school, but since he is taking CAD this year and not Welding, he doesn't have too many complaints. We are right in the middle of another TTC cycle and although I will not be updating the way that I did at the beginning of the year, I still keep up with everything that I said I would do this round. I will likely make a few OPK posts/cycle updates, and will also do a TTC post around the first week or so in October, just as an informational post. If you are in your TTC journey and want to find out what you can do to better your chances of a BFP, read here. As far as everything else goes, we are immensely blessed in all aspects of our life. God has been very good to us this year and this is the first time, since we moved in together in 2011, that life has just been easy and effortless. Although, it does break my heart that at this point, I would be one month from delivering my second child and, if the first baby would have stayed, I would have a two and a half year old! My only hope is that God will answer our prayers. I pray that 2016 will be our year to welcome our healthy rainbow baby. And, even though I can't wait to write our year in review post for 2015, I am begging the rest of this year to slow down and just let me enjoy the Fall and Christmas time before we are thrown right into Spring.
Happy Fall Y'all!
Monday, September 21, 2015

OPK | CYCLE DAY 12 : CLOMID YEAR 2 • ROUND 3 {09.21.2015}

I'm thinking I may do updates on the OPKs every other day. So post on CD 12 to give an update on CD 11 and CD 12; post on CD 14 for an update on CD 13 and CD 14; post on CD 16 for an update on CD 15 and CD 16; last OPK post will be on CD 18 to give an update on CD 17. Does that make sense? If not, that's ok, just come back daily for updates and blog posts.

So E and I have bets going to see what day I will ovulate. I guessed CD 13 and E guessed CD 15. We will see who wins...winner gets a backrub!

 *top test* 
CD11 (11am) - negative, very faint
*middle test* 
CD11 (6pm)- negative, extremely faint
*bottom test* 
CD12 (11am)- negative, line is getting darker but is still very faint
***********Cycle Update Below***********

Fertility Chart
 I am pleasantly surprised to see that my temps are between 97.2 - 97.7. Very unusual for them to be that kind of "normal." (Round of applause for Clomid for helping with this.)

Ovia Fertility Monitor

This app is frustrating at times because I never feel it's right. I know the app is not familiar with Clomid and how it works, so hopefully it will update accordingly when I get my positive OPK.
Sperm Meets Egg Plan
Cycle days 2 thru 6:
9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15

•{Baby Dance}
Cycle days 9 thru 17:
9/16, 9/18, 9/20, 9/22, 9/24, 9/26

 Cycle days 11 thru 17:
9/20 thru 9/26
updated - twice a day (1) @ 11am & (2) @ 6pm

•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle days 18 thru 30
9/27 thru 10/09

Cycle days 30 thru 35
10/09 thru 10/14

Start on Cycle day 18

Thursday, September 17, 2015

INFERTILITY IS... {09.17.2015}

Infertility is...

Watching your husband playing with your friend's baby and
wishing you could give him one of his own.

Telling nurses to please take blood from your right arm because the veins in your left arm are all gone because of all the IVs you've had.

Avoiding people you haven't seen for a long time because you
don't want to hear the question, "Do you have any kids yet?".

Feeling very left out when your friends start comparing their
pregnancy or childbirth experiences.

Feeling like the whole town is pregnant except for you.

Getting tired of people always expecting you to do things
because "you don't have any kids to worry about".

Waking up in the middle of the night and wishing you could hear your baby crying.

Wishing you could give your parents grandchildren.

Wanting to fall apart if one other person says, "Why don't
you adopt?" Easy, right?

Sometimes avoiding friends who are pregnant or with newborns because you just can't handle the situation at that moment.

Every single time you babysit someone else's kid they go off about how you are getting "practice." I want my own child, I know how to change a diaper. Thanks.

Credits: How to Have a Baby: Overcoming Infertility
For all my TTC Sisters, I know the road is long and there's never a day we don't wonder or question "why me?" Sometimes God's greater plan is harder to see. Sometimes His plan is never on our time but He is always on time and always at the perfect time.
I think we forget that we are not in control. Even when you take medication, go through with IVF, use a surrogate, or adopt, nothing we do is in our hands. Everything is in His hands. I read an amazing blog post yesterday from Oh Baby, Baby's blog. She captured perfectly in one post how important it is to remember that each trial, and every tribulation we walk through has a greater purpose. Every time a cycle fails, a miscarriage takes place, or a baby is born still, it's completely up to Him. He knows what He is doing for us and we must be reminded everyday that His plan for us, which may take longer than we'd like, is always for the better.
*Read Oh Baby Baby's inspiring post here! *
With every road we walk, every step we take, we must know that God is right there beside us. Isn't it an wonderful feeling to know that someone loves us unconditionally? What an amazing Father we have.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

CLOMID YEAR 2 • ROUND 3 {09.16.2015}

Hold up! Is this post really about Clomid? But, I thought you were done trying? Well, after much debate, we decided it wasn't over. We returned home from our cruise and felt that it was time to give it another round. Since I want to keep you updated, especially since I have some TTC sisters following, I decided to do another Clomid update. This cycle, AF started on her own, for the first time in a long time, I didn't need Provera! AF started on my 23rd birthday, September 9, (yay me!). Luckily, the day before, I placed an order for Clomid to be refilled. Everything was perfect timing. I literally picked up my medication on September 10, just in time for me to start taking it on September 11. This cycle, I promised myself that I wouldn't get crazy, I want to take it one day at a time while also preparing my body and doing everything I can to ensure this time we get a BFP with a healthy baby.
With our first pregnancy in July of 2013, I literally did nothing. We took the medication and basically didn't care about timing or temping. This is why, for almost 10 weeks, I had no idea that I was even pregnant. The most recent pregnancy, in January, was completely different. This time, we did everything! Vitamins, BBT charting, Acupuncture, OPKs, Pineapple name it, we did it! Naturally, I decided that if we were going to spend the money on the medication, that we should make it count. So, this time around, we will be doing everything in our power to ensure that we not only get pregnant, but that this baby sticks and grows healthy and strong. With that, here are the results from Round 3 of Clomid.

Cycle Day: 1 (9/10)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil
Symptoms: Horrible headache in the evening
OPK or HPT: Neither
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled 
Milestones: Clomid starts tomorrow

Cycle Day: 2 (9/11)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 1 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: Backache, extremely tired (but that is due to crazy schedule)
OPK or HPT: Neither
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: Remembered to take my BBT this morning

Cycle Day: 3 (9/12)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 2 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: None, felt great!
OPK or HPT: Neither
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: First acupuncture appointment for this cycle, I can already feel a difference in both my stress levels as well as AF symptoms; Also temporarily lost my BBT so I had to use a regular thermometer

Cycle Day: 4 (9/13)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 3 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: A little cramping but not horrible
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones:  Just feeling great, no crazy Clomid symptoms

Cycle Day: 5 (9/14)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 4 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: Slight hot flashes at night time, woke up this morning feeling really sweaty; Temperature outside in Texas is amazing for mid-September, @ 65 degrees!!! Horrible headache that started around 5pm and did not go away until I fell asleep.
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: Tomorrow is the last day of Clomid and so far I haven't had any crazy symptoms, just simple hot flashes but I still get those even when we are taking a break from Clomid

Cycle Day: 6 (9/15)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil and day 5 of 100mg Clomid
Symptoms: Surprisingly, after my horrible headache last night, I have no symptoms; AF is extremely light today, I can tell she will be gone by the time I get home tonight
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled

Cycle Day: 7 (9/16)
Medication: Prenatals, CoQ10, B12, Fish Oil
Symptoms: None! I feel great!
OPK or HPT: Not yet
Next Dr. Appt.: Not scheduled
Milestones: I managed to make it through another round of Clomid without any problems. Usually Clomid makes you crazy, but I think I'm used to it by now so I'm immune to the effects. OPKs start tomorrow (Cycle Day 8); Just like previous times, I am taking them (3) times a day at 8a, 2p, and 6p, this gives me a wide range to work with daily and see the full possibility of ovulation

*side note: I will be taking Progesterone after ovulation*

Fertility Chart (current from Cycle Day 7)
 Ovia Fertility Monitor (current from Cycle Day 7)

Sperm Meets Egg Plan

Cycle days 2 thru 6:
9/11, 9/12, 9/13, 9/14, 9/15

•{Baby Dance}
Cycle days 8 thru 22:
9/17, 9/19, 9/21, 9/23, 9/25, 9/27, 9/29, 10/01

Cycle day 8 thru 23:
9/17 thru 10/02

•{Two Week Wait}
Cycle day 20 thru 30
9/29 thru 10/09

Cycle day 30 thru 35
10/09 thru10/14

Start on Cycle day 18
Get all the details about what we did to get pregnant in January below:
Also, be sure to read our pregnancy announcement, bumpdate, and miscarriage story.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Well, I have finally had the chance to sit down to update my bucket list. Although, I am likely going to change this bucket list since I have a few other goals for this year as a 23 year old, but for now I will just stick with this one and try to complete as much as I can. My original goal was to complete all the items before my 25th birthday, and I would still love to complete these, but I have a few items I want to remove and in their place, add goals that I have for myself now.
Any way, here is the update...
  1. Go on a cruise anywhere (from old bucket list)
    • Completed on 07/05/2014-07/10/2014 : Carnival Triumph
    • Another one for fun 08/30/2015-09/06/2015 : Carnival Magic
  2. Have fun on Vegas strip (from old bucket list)
  3. Have a healthy baby
    • Praying 2016 will be our year!
  4. Visit Disney World and Universal Studios
  5. Take a plane with E anywhere
      • Vegas -August/September 2014
  6. Snorkel in at least 3 tropical locations
    • Completed on 09/01/2015-09/03/2015 : Carnival Magic
      • Cozumel, Mexico
      • Belize City, Belize
      • Mahogany Bay, Isla Roatan, Honduras
  7. Go to an indoor skydiving place
  8. Move into our own home
  9. Vlog for 365 days straight
  10. Go skiing or surfing
  11. Zipline in a tropical location
    • Technically it was a "ropes course" on the Carnival Magic but we will count it
  12. Host a family Fall party
  13. Visit New York for Winter and watch the ball drop
  14. Pack our bags and travel without an itinerary or plan
  15. Complete at least 5 Pinterest DIY projects
  16. Visit the following states/countries
    Cancun, Mexico
  17. Watch sea turtles hatch or visit the sea turtle rescue in Florida
  18. Swim with stingrays and dolphins
  19. Sleep in Jeepster
  20. Enjoy a picnic with E
  21. Get Concealed Handgun License
  22. Try indoor/outdoor rock climbing
  23. Attend 5 sporting events or concerts a year
  24. See a play/musical/ballet with E
    • Completed on 05/09/2015 : Sweeney Todd @ Houston Opera
  25. Pick fruit at a fruit farm or pick a pumpkin from a huge pumpkin patch

Saturday, September 12, 2015


What a truly MAGICal vacation we had aboard the Carnival Magic. I wanted to share some of the highlights of this cruise and also show you just how beautiful the world is.

We started our vacay with a short 1 hour drive to the port in Galveston, TX. E and I are the type of people who leave the house at 6am and arrive to port at 9am just to stand around waiting until 12pm for boarding but it was fun! We boarded the ship around 10-11am and started strolling around trying to get pictures of the ship before it got too crowded. We took part in the on-deck dancing and party, and even had a few way too many drinks. Before setting sail, we enjoyed the sights of Galveston from atop the ship and sighed in relief knowing we were heading into the deep blue.

Our second day on the ship was at Sea in the middle of a beautiful blue ocean. We explored the ship and even headed to the gym for an amazing workout session with an incredible view.

Our first stop was Cozumel, Mexico! We enjoyed a three hour snorkeling adventure with the wonderful Mystic Snorkeling Adventure team. During our snorkeling, we saw Mexican Piranhas, Barracudas, two sea turtles, lots of large lobsters, plenty of beautiful fish, and the most amazing coral reed. Afterwards, we took in sights of the city through the backseat of a tiny little car. After a long day, we were exhausted, extremely sunburnt, and decided to say "Adios" and head back to our ship for some delicious food and a wonderful nap.

Next we stopped in Belize City, Belize!! This stop we didn't actually port, we got to take our very first tender boat. That was definitely a fun memory, stepping off of a huge ship onto a little boat was thrilling! We headed to Goff's Caye with the Exotic Belize Day Tours group and enjoyed another day of snorkeling. Afterwards, we were able to spend some time on the island. *side note: Goff's Caye is only 1.5 acres of beauty*

Last, but certainly not least, we ended in Mahogany Bay, Isla Roatan, Honduras!!! This place was stunning from the moment we woke up and saw the sunken ship right outside our window, all the way to views we took in while driving. I'll be honest, we saw the incredibly beautiful, the not so beautiful, and the horrible, but it really was an amazing experience. This was our favorite stop as we got to enjoy spending the entire day from 8am to 4pm at Little French Key. This place is literally like stepping into a postcard. When we arrived, we were greeted by amazing employees and a tour guide who showed us around the island. We met a few of their "zoo" animals including a funny little monkey and Lawrence the Lion, who is the sweetest thing ever! Once again, we grabbed our snorkel gear and took to the water. We even got to see a sunken ship about ten feet below us.

 Days six and seven were sailing days. These are the worst because you know your vacation and the time on the ship, sailing the blue waters and seeing the world are coming to an end, but we still had an amazing time. We attended a few karaoke sessions but didn't get a chance to sing, saw a proposal, took part in a slot tournament, and won a game of Bingo. We also spent way too much money at the casino, but whose counting, we're on vacation so our bank will understand, right? Guess it's back to reality huh? Well, not before we have more fun!!!

Oh did I mention while we were in Cozumel, I tried on a $159,000 ring? Um yes, it's amazing, just look!!!

This was our room, a Delux Oceanview with a large queen sized bed, a sofa (which can turn into another queen bed), and two bathrooms (one with a shower and one with a tub).


It was such a blast and I can't wait for our next one!